25. my 'dear evan hansen' letter

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if ya haven't figured it out already, i'm disappointed. i LOVE theatre and musicals.
deh (dear evan hansen) is like in my top three bc a) the music b) the videography c) the message/story d) it's #relatable

(side note; deh is coming out on netflix on november 1st. this is me telling you to watch it. if you find me irl, watch it with me. i will force you to watch it with me. beware {foreswear, change the new to old hair... or smth like that})

evan hansen has both depression and anxiety and his therapist tells him to write a letter to himself 'dear evan hansen. today is going to be a good day and here's why'
this is my 'dear evan hansen' letter


dear *frenchie*
today is going to be a good day and here's why. well, for starters, i woke up and managed to get out of bed instead of turning over and going back to sleep. i was on time and i was prepared, the start of the day was the start of a good day.
it's going to be good because when i get home i can chill and cuddle with my dog, relax on the couch and maybe watch some netflix. though nothing exciting is happening through most of the day, today is the last day of the theatre performance we are putting on. i'm excited but also very tired but satisfied with our performances.
sincerely, your most dearest and best friend,


what's your 'dear evan hansen' letter?

kisses and croissants 💋 🥐

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