10. tattoo

16 4 11

yk how my sister is coming to visit?
she wants to get matching tattoos
and this would be my first one
and you also remember how i said i was terrified of needles?
i still want a tattoo

idk where to get it tho
i don't want it on my leg unless it's like by the ankle
i kinda want it by my collar bone (side note; i low key think that collar bones are very sexy when defined. NO I AM NOT SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO COLLAR BONES.)
but like i want a vine or snake or smth tattoo around my collar bone so that it looks like it's wrapping around it
should i get it on my arm? (not hand. i refuse. the only tattoo i'd get on my hand would be a smily face on my middle finger when i flip smo off)

do y'all have a tattoo? if so, what is it? if not, what would you get (even if you don't want one)

also where should i get the tattoo? (it's either going to be 1) our birth years, 2) two hearts, one just outlined the other filled in, i forgot the rest but yeah)


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