12) My childhood friend?!

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Cecilia's POV

"Wh-what do you mean he is  your friend's son , Dad?." I said. "I mean that me and his father used to be inseparable when we were young. Even your mather was a friend of his. Ah,Cecilia you used to call him uncle Christian. You loved him very much. Sadly he couldn't visit us the last 3 years because of work but we are still very close."

"What about his son? "I asked shocked " What about him? He used to be your bestfriend. Your mothers used to joke that one day you will end up with him.He was so protective of you. Same with Dylan . They both loved you like a younger sister. But I think that Alex had a thing for you. Well, not me exactly but your mother .I remember saying everytine our families met that he followed you aroung like  a puppy.Good times ." my father sais suddenly feeling a little emotional.

Which was honestly a shock.  In my 16 years of being alive I have only seen my father emotional once. And that was when my grandmother died. But that was along time ago and a story for another time.

Third's Person POV

Cecilia was shocked with the news she learnt. At first she thought that Maximo was right about Alex. But what her father told her debunked his accusations in her head. Turns out he was her childhood friend! She had to tell Maria. Her best friend. In this moment only she could her help see clearly and understand the situation better.

"Ceci, Come on, Are you listening?" her fathsr questioned as he snapped his fingers in front of her face. Cecilia turned to look at him before sitting down on the couch knowing that her legs would propably give out . For about ten minutes father and daughter stood together in silence. That was until Lucas asked if she was okay.

"Yes, dad. I am fine, just really shocked. I think that I forgot about him." . She did forget about him. It's because she had amnesia not because she wanted to. " I know that you feel bad about it sweetheart. But you didn't want to forget . It happened. "  Cecilia just signed. She didn't know if she had to tell her father about him attending her school. And that they became friends.

"Dad, if you will excuse me. I need to make a phone call.", " Of course . Go ahead" . Cecilia quickly left her father's study. She nearly run to her room. As soon as she laid on her bed she pulled out her phone to call her best friend.

'Come on Maria,pick up' she thought. Finally after thirty seconds her friend answer. " Yo, Cecilia what's up?" " Maria , you won't believe what I just learnt. Alejandro or Alex Henderson is my childhood friend. Can you believe this?" Cecilia asked still in disbelief.

"Um, Ceci I kind of knew about it. But I didn't want to tell you because of your amnesia. The doctors said that for starters you had to know about the people taht were close to you. As in they were in the same town. But Alex and Dylan lived in America that's why none of us told you about them." Maria explained. " I understand. Wait you knew them how?"

"Ceci,have you forgotten that we are childhood friends too. Of course I know them . The amount of time all of us spent together was too much. Constantine knows about them too. Although I don't think that he likes them anymore."
"Yeah, you are right. WAIT, Constantine doesn't like them . Why? They are really nice guys. I mean that they are really kind and helpful."

"I don't know the reason . But didn't you say that Maximo warned you about them too . Kind of weird, don't you think?" Maria asked. " Maria, who cares about what Maximo thinks. The guy is an asshole. I mean this morning when he talked to me , he told me that they were dangerous."

"I guess that you are right. Anyway I have to go and get ready. You should too. Do you want me to pick you up?",Maria asked her friend. "Pick me up for what?" , Cecilia aaid confused. "For our outing with the boys . Don't tell me that you forgot, Ceci"

"I didn't. Yeah I am vetting ready now. Bye." Cecilia said as she hunged up. 'Man , I can't believe that I forgot about it. '

Cecilia went to her closet to get dressed.After an hour she was ready. Sge headed downstairs to tell her parents she was leaving. " Dad, I'm going to hang out with some friends." "Alright, take care. Be careful."

"Love you" Cecilia said as she left. When she walked out she saw Maria waiting for her. "Ready?" Maria asked. "Ready " , replied the redhead.


First of all , I would like to apologise for not uploading for so long. I was really busy with school and It was rather hard for me to come up with Ideas for the upcoming chapters. I don't know when the next chapter will be out but I hope that It won't take long.

The book is also posted on Ao3 .

Enjoy reading.!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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