3) New school,old friends

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Alex's POV

I was not always like this. Angry, sassy,hateful and savage.I was for some people caring. The person who made me wanna be a better person was my best friend, Cecilia. Me, Cecilia and Dylan my cousin were very close growing up.She was always there for me, as I was always there for her. Well that changed when that incident happened. I never saw her again until today. Dylan and I moved to Italy, Rome specifically and signed up to a new school. But before I tell you what happened to our new school I want you to know a bit about my past with Cecilia


A 5 year-old girl was hanging around two boys her age."Alex, Dylan catch me if you can.", the girl said."Cecilia,we are going to catch you and once we do yiu are going to regret it ", Dylan yelled."Kids stop running around you are going to break something.",my mither told us. We finally catched Cecilia and started tickling her.

End of Flashback

Ahh. What a happy memory to remember. It was one if the few times that I was happy. Cecilia was my first friend and my first love. After the incident however all of that changed. We never saw her again.

As I said before we moved to Italy for a mission as we are both members of one of the most powerful American mafia families , we needed to move in order to have a cover for our mission. We also have fake identities so we don't get caught and recognised. I went by Alejandro Roberto Gutierrez , which is similar to my real name that is Alexander (Alex) Jason Henderson and my cousin Dylan Nickolas Henderson goes by Lorenzo Fernando Gutierrez. The reason for the Spanish names is because my mother is from Spain we are pretending to be transfer students from there. Enough of the backstory. Let's look into what happened today at our new school.

I woke up at 7 o'clock and went to wake up Dylan."Dylan, wake up.",I said,"Mom, let me sleep for a little bit longer ", he replied sleepily. "Aw, poor baby , you are thinking about your mommy don't you?" , I said teasingly as I threw a pillow at him." Alex,you stupid bitch, why did you throw a pillow at me.",he said angrily as he woke up."Well, because we have to get ready for school, you idiot", I replied to him as I left this room. We got ready and ate our breakfast.


We got to school and we could feel everyone staring at us and whispering with each other. A girl cane up to us to talk and we asked her if she could take us to get our schedules. She said okay and took us to the principal's office. As we were walking we introduced ourselves to one another and turns out that we were all in the same class.

After we git our schedule, Veronica the girl who was with us showed us where our classroom is. As we were about to enter the class our teacher came and told us to wait outside until he called us in. After a while he called us to introduce ourselves. While we were introducing ourselves, I couldn't help but look at a familiar person. Dylan noticed that too.

She looked like Cecilia, we decided to try and talk to her after class. When we approached her however she told us that her name was Rose which was weird as we knew her since childhood and we would never confuse her with someone else. I am so sad that she tried to hide from even after the time we spent together. I could tell that Dylan was feeling the same. I was certain about one thing , I wasn't planning to lose Cecilia again, not after i found her.


Happy new year. I hope that you enjoy the chapter

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