8) Cought Spying !

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Third Person's POV

A faux blonde girl aas getting out of her classroom.She was about to start the way to her house when she noticed the three new guys talking. Jer first thought was to just walk away but that changed after she remembered what the new brat Miguel did to her sister. She looked for a place to hide and she found the janitor's closet. Once she entered she saw her boyfriend Maximo."Max-" "Shh. They are going to hear you", Monica just stood there in shock . 'What is he doing hiding in here?',she thought. Both of them were hearing what was going on carefully.

"Cut the crap Henderson", when they heard that they were shocked, well Monica was the most ,Maximo was just feeling dizzy. He knew that surname and of course he knew who Alejandro and Lorenzo.He also knew Miguel. How could he not know them? After all he was their friend once . The conversation between the three guys continued and was getting paler as the time passed. Suddenly a question cought his interest."How is Cecilia?". Monica turned to Maximo and she notice that he was shocked as if he knew who that Cecilia girl was.She made a mental note to ask him later."Cecilia", Maximo muttered sadly.Monica stared at him wide eyed.She had speculated that Maximo knew who that girl was by his reaction when he heard the name but she never thought that he would say her name in front of her, his girlfriend , who knew nothing about his past.

"Maximo,who is Cecilia?", Monica whispered so she wouldn't be heard. "Just someone . You don't have to worry though.She disappeared around three years ago." "And how exactly fo you know her?" "Monica ,why are you asking me all this questions. Yes I know that girl we used to be close. Tell me are you afraid that I am cheating on you with her. After everything that I did for you. Including cheating on Rose and leaving her broken just because you devided that I would be much better with you."

He knew that what he said hurted Minica but it was the truth. Monica was a jealous girl. He knew that before they even dated. She was jealous of Rose ( or Cecilia but she didn't need to know that yet) because she had the ability to get along with everyone. In that aspect Maximo and Minica were the same . No he wasn't jealous of Rose, he was jealous of the man name Alexander Henderson. God how much Maximo feared him and admired him at the same time. He was also very jealous of him that he decided to take everything that he holds dear. And he did .

In the end Cecilia chose him, they were dating for 2 years when he started cheating on her. But now ,now he had one fear , that Cecilia was going to fall in love with the brunette man and he wouldn't be able to do anything about it.While Maximo we was do lost in thought he didn't realise that the conversation between the Hendersons and the Doucan had ended. "Maximo , the three idiots left . Come on we have to go too ."Monica siad while shaking him."Yeah,we do."

They git out of the closet and were walking out of the school when a message came on Maximo's phone .

Maximo's phone

I know that you and your
girl were in the closet. Don't
you dare to tell anyone what
you heard or I will make sure
that you a your girl won't see
the daylight again.

Who are you?
How did you get
my number?
Are you Doucan
or one of the Hendersons?

You don't need to
know that.Just do as I
say and you won't get hurt.

End of Maximo's phone

"Maximo you are pale did something happened. Who texted you?","Monica do me a favour and don't tell anyone about what we heard today." "Why not ? I mean that we have to we expose the three of them. They made fun of my sister Maximo.", "Just do as I say Monica .",Monica agreed although she was still angry.


"Maria don't you think that Constantine is taking too long, shall we go look for him?","I don't think to do that I mean look over there he is coming." On que Constantine was there. "I found it .So Rosie shall we go home. I missed your parents."'Yeah let's go."


The trio soon got to Cecilia's home. "I am home and I brought company." As soon as Cecilia finished saying that her father came,"Ceci how was school? Maria, good to see you and is that Constantine? Last time I saw you you were short.","Good to see you to mr Cassano." The older told them to go sit in the living room . As they entered they noticed that Cecilia's nrither was there."Doucan","Cassano."

823 words.
I hope that you will enjoy the chapter

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