4) A warning?!

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Previously: I couldn't help but wonder, who are they and how do they know my name.

Cecilia's Pov

As we were walking, Maria asked "Rosie, do you know them?", "Yes, the are new in my class", I responded, Maria and I were in different classes even though we are the same age."What did they talk to you about, don't tell that they were making fun of you?",she asked full of concern,"No,Maria they didn't.Although there is something weird about both of them.They are familiar. I feel like I have seen them again somewhere.", I said

"What do you mean Rose?",she asked suspiciously." Well, they called me Cecilia, It's like they knew who I was","That's sus. Rose, I think that you should keep your distance from them,for all we know they might be your enemies.", " I agree with you Maria, after all I went undercover for my protection and as you said they might be enemies.". We stoped walking as we arrived at the school yard. We sat on a bench and told each other how our first class went . Soon the bell rang and we got to our class.


It was finally time for our final class for today. It was history with Mrs Romano, a strict old woman who looked like she hated her job Time was passing slowly and I didn't have anybody to talk to. I looked over to the new guys to see what they were doing. Alejandro was looking out of the window and was propably bored, while Lorenzo was bothering him. Suddenly, Mrs Romano yelled "Mr Gutierrez, I would apreciate it if you would pay attention to class or am I too boring for you?","Which one if the two are you talking about Mrs.",the class president Matteo said. The teacher replied "The one with the short hair", "Sorry Mrs ",Lorenzo apologized. "Make sure you never do that again or you will get detention.",the teacher warned.

After that the lesson continued as normal. Soon the bell rang and everyone was rushing to get out of class wanting to go home as soon as possible. As I was getting out of class I saw Maximo. "Rose wait",he yelled as he approached me. "What do you want Maximo? What's so important that you have to stop me when I am about to head home?"," Did you,by any chance talked to the new boys today?",he asked. "Why do you ask?",I questioned, "Well because, I saw them talking to you after the bell rang during the first break.". "Yeah, I talked to them. They told me that I looked like someone they knew. But wait why am I even explaining myself to you. We broke up.", I told him."Whoa, chill I'm just asking because I care about you and honestly I think that you should avoid them. They are both bad news, Rose."

"Who do you think you are to tell her what she can and what she can't do. Face it Maximo, you are only her ex, not her owner, so if she wants to talk to them she will. She will not ask for your permission.",Maria said as she appeared too. Maximo just stared, he didn't reply back. "Rose, come on we have to go." , I replied okay and we left.


We were near my house when I asked, "So, are we going to meet him today?". "No, he said that he is busy and that we will meet tomorrow.", Maria replied."Hold up, I thought that today was his last day here and he was leaving tomorrow", I said confused. "Apparently, he extented his stay to Friday.", Maria said. "Cool ". Before realising it we were already in frint of my house.

When I entered, I could feel pretty much everyone staring at me. Well not everyone because my brother and cousin weren't there."Hello mi familia.", I greeted them. "Hello to you too my darling daughter. How was your day?", My father Lucas asked. "It was great papa. Mama,I will go do my homework and take a nap. Can you please call me when dinner is ready?",I asked my mother. "Of course Cecilia, I will call you wen it's ready."
"Okay.Thank you ,mother",I said as I went to my room. I did my homework and took a nap. About two hours later we had dinner. I didn't tell them about the new boys knowing my name. I got ready for bed but all I could think about was Maximo's warning.


Hello , it's the author. I hope you like the new chapter. Also who's him? That question will be answered in the next chapter

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