"Matias! Hey! So something kinda came up and I have to leave early. Not like right now but around 9 maybe? Anyways is that okay? They said the shop wouldn't be busy like at all and you could probably manage by yourself for a few hours-"

"It's fine Lexi, you can leave early" Matias interrupted.

Lexi had a tendency to ramble on and on, especially when asking for a favor like this. She'd probably come up with excuse after excuse for hours to make up for her leaving had Matias not stopped her.

"Thank you! You're the best!" She hugged his arm.

He silently thanked the universe that it was his good arm as her death tight grip somehow got tighter.

"Peter is coming in a few hours early so you should only be alone for like two or three hours" She continued to explain

Peter, of course, was some new guy who started working just a month or so before the attack. Matias had honestly expected him to quit after recent events, but apparently not.

"Ok" was all Matias said, pulling on his arm lightly to get Lexi to let go.

He grabbed his apron and made his way back to the front. He'd rather deal with some weird looks from Meera than this early morning excitement from Lexi.

Matias found himself standing awkwardly at the front counter. There was still 20 minutes before Meera would usually clock out and due to the early hours plus how scared people still were from the attack there was no customers in the shop.

"You don't mind if I leave early, do you?" Meera finally spoke up, breaking the silence, "since you're already here and it's going to be a slow day anyways"

Her voice almost sounded a bit arrogant. It's not like there was anything wrong with her request, Matias really didn't have a problem with her leaving a bit early, but something in her tone just ticked him off. Nonetheless he ignored the rising annoyance and let her go. It saved him from more awkwardness anyways.

Maybe he was just delusional, but Matias swore that he saw Meera glance back at him as she left the door. Something about her today just made Matias more than upset. Surely the was just on edge from the past few weeks, but why does that bother Matias so much?

He shook away the feeling. After thinking about it, everything made him more annoyed than usual. He tried to brush it off and told himself it was probably just him being childish about being back at work.

Before, this job was his favorite thing purely because it was the only peaceful part of his life, but now there was something else.

That something else, of course, being Samuel and Ellie.

Everything in the shop all day long  made Matias more and more upset. It's not like he was furious or anything. But even Lexi made him upset a few times before she left.

Minuets felt like hours as he waited for the day to pass. Even when he was alone in the shop he felt irritated. He didn't think himself to be short tempered, but maybe he was wrong.

An eternity after Lexi had left, Peter walked casually through the door. Matias had only talked to Peter a few times, but it wasn't awkward between them. Or maybe it was and Matias didn't realize. Either way, he didn't care.

Ever so slowly the time ticked by and, after agonizingly slow hours, Matias could finally leave.

Ellie threw a fit when she found out Matias would be going to work all day everyday starting this morning, so he figured he'd go visit them for a bit.

That's the reason he told himself he was going for anyways. In reality, he probably missed Samuel more than Ellie missed him.

He tried to get out the door so fast he almost forgot to take off his apron. He didn't feel like he was rushing that much, but judging by the look on Peters face as he left he must've seemed in an awful hurry.

The walk from the coffee shop to Samuel's house wasn't long in the slightest. It really only took ten minutes at a casual pace to get from one place to another.

Of course that isn't what it felt like to Matias, though.

It certainly didn't help that if he tried to speed up too much his unhealed wound would tighten and ache. It wasn't near as bad as before, but it was still incredibly painful at times and really just overall annoying. It was an untreated stab wound after all.

When he was nearing Samuels house, only roughly 3 minutes away, he spotted something that terrified him.

The new villain.

She was just casually walking down an empty side wall across the road, but she walked with a sense of determination. It didn't help that she was walking right at Greenlake road as soon as most of the buildings were re-opened and done with repairs.

He wanted to rush in then and there, but it was clear that he couldn't. He had always kept his hoodie, mask, and hat close by just in case, but of course he didn't have it on him the one time he needed it.

He instinctively turned to go to his house before pausing and continuing on to Samuel's. He had spent so much time over there his mask was still there. One of his multiple identical hoodies were there too, but he was fairly certain it still had blood on it. Samuel had tried to wash it but said he didn't get it all.

He ran as fast as he could the rest of the way to Samuels house. He hated running enough as is, so the pain in his stomach with every step was truly irritating.

He noted the clean, bloodless, concrete in front of Samuels house. Realizing for the first time that Samuel had cleaned it a while ago.

He rushed into the house but was met with a young looking woman standing behind Ellie in the kitchen.

"Who are you? Why are you here?!" The girl yelped in a panic.

Matias wanted to ask the same question back, but he really didn't have the time.

"Mat!" Ellie yelped enthusiastically upon seeing him and ran towards him to give him a tight hug.

As much as Matias loved Ellie, he ignored her completely.

"I'm a friend of Samuels, is he here?" He tried, and failed, at hiding the panic in his voice.

"He just left" the girl muttered, clearly intimidated by the whole situation.

Matias mumbled multiple curses under his breath. He had many more questions for the girl, but chose not to ask any of them. He needed to get to the new villain. With or without Samuel.

He rushed Ellie off of his leg and speed walked around the house. His mask was lying on a desk just in the living room, but he was truly clueless as to where his hoodie was. He glanced around the living room even though he knew it wouldn't be in there.

He went to the most likely room down the hallway, the laundry room. A breath of relief rushed it's way out of Matias's mouth upon seeing the hoodie hanging from a clothing hanger right in front of him. He really didn't have the time to search for it anymore.

He threw on the hoodie and then the mask, fully presenting himself at 'the villain' for the first time in a while.

He already didn't like his situation, so running back into that girl wasn't exactly ideal. She yelped in a particularly annoying way, making Matias flinch.

The girl rushed behind the kitchen counter to grab who knows what, probably a knife, but Matias couldn't give her the time of day.

He dragged himself out the door to a thankfully empty side walk. As much as he hated the idea, he would have to go through the alleyways.

He turned into the nearest alley, twisting and turning his way through it. He was regretfully familiar with all the side ways in this city, but it was actually coming in handy.

As he passed glimpses of the side walk, he saw nobody. Not the new villain, not Samuel, not even some random pedestrian. Truthfully, it put Matias on edge, but he shoved the thought out of his mind.

However, in a matter of seconds there was an obnoxiously loud crash that seemed to come from right in front of him. And now the side walks being empty made complete sense.


I've been more busy recently so I'm sorry if the chapters seem more rushed, I'm doing my best

I should have more time in a few weeks (fingers crossed) but for now this is what we have

Don't Leave Me Here (boyxboy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن