55 - epilogue

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a/n: sorry, it took so long, i've been moving a lot, and it was a whole mess, but i finally finished! the final chapter!!

4 years later ~ Kaito is 12 and Sayaka is 4

"Who ate all the cookies?"

At their father's words, Kaito and Sayaka freeze right beside me on the couch, cookies already halfway to their mouth.

Sayaka's golden curls bounce as she whips toward me with wide eyes. Her brother does the same, and I'm left staring at two very frightened children.

This'll be fun.

I'm about to rat them out to their father when they both wave their hands frantically and silently plead with me not to say anything. Then as if on the same wavelength, they both give me the most adorable puppy eyes I've ever seen in my entire life at the exact same time.

My words die in my throat, never making it out.

No fair!

They know I can't resist them when they do that!

So trying to hold back my smile, I turn back to the t.v. and stay obediently quiet.

Bakugou's steps start coming toward us, and they both stuff said cookies into their mouths in record speed.

By the time Bakugou comes into the living room, they've expertly finished chewing and are as nonchalant as ever.

So Bakugou puts his hands on his hips, like a proper daddy, and repeats himself, "Who ate all the cookies?"

I pause the show we were watching in exchange for this lovely scene right before my eyes.

Lord knows the Bakugou children are much more entertaining than any movie I've ever seen.

And proving me right is none other than Sayaka, who hilariously replies, "Ninjas."

Bakugou narrows his eyes and glances around the room, "I don't see any."

Next it's Kaito, who brilliantly retorts, "No one ever does," with the straightest face I've ever seen him make.

A quick bark of laughter bursts from my throat before I can stop it. I clamp my hand over my mouth to stifle my laughter, but it only makes it worse.

Next thing I know, Bakugou's mouth splits open wide in a booming laugh.

I give into it as well, and before I know it, every single one of us is laughing at the most ingenious defense ever to be given. Giggling together, our children raise the temperature of our home to a comforting summer's afternoon in the middle of winter.

Bakugou leans down and embraces both of his children in a warm hug, "My god, you both are frickin' awesome."

He starts planting kisses all over their faces in adoration, and while Kaito (now in his cool kid phase) tries to push him away, Sayaka happily accepts all her father gives her.

Enraptured by the wholesome display of affection, I find myself unable to pry my eyes away.

Sayaka, my dazzling miracle, who is every wish come true.

Kaito, my sweet angel, who is the best gift I've ever received.

And Katsuki, my hero, whose arms are my safe haven.

My love for them is eternal.

And my children hold my soul in their heart.

My heart is forever theirs. I will love them with every power I possess, I will let them explore, be adventurous, take risks . . . and stand by at every step of the way to catch them if they fall.

new girl in town (bakugou katsuki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now