40 - it's raining men

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The sound is deafening! I scream as I drop to the floor and do my best to crawl away from the action.


I scream again and crawl to one of the booths nearest to me. I climb over the counter and fall next to a bunch of stuffed animals. I quickly sit up and take a peek at the battlefield up ahead. They're all moving so fast, I can't tell who's who.

I sink back down to remain in hiding.

I don't think anyone saw me.

What do I do?

I don't know who to trust anymore.

I have such sweet moments with Toru. I thought he would never hurt me. But everyone else is telling me he's a 'sick fuck'. And he even admitted to torturing me!


I can't think.

I need to get out of here!

I start to crawl to the back of the booth and slightly lift up the tarp. I see a bunch of people still fighting there. So, I put it back down and head to the left side of the booth. When I lift up the tarp, all I see is another booth.

Looks like I'm gonna have to jump into a few of these booths till I get to the exit.

I look around and make sure no one's around me. I lift the tarp up higher, slide under it, and quickly jump into the other booth and lay down. After a couple of seconds, no one comes for me. So I do it again. And again. And again.

I finally get to the last one and I actually think I have a shot at escaping all these crazies. The night sky is pitch black now, so I should be able to make my getaway unseen. The moon is the only thing shining down on us and I can see everyone's preoccupied fighting each other to notice little ol' me.

The closest goon a few yards away steps out of my field of view, so I make my break for it.

Right as I'm about to step onto the street and run away, I'm abruptly lifted off the floor. The street in front of me gets farther and farther away as I'm pulled back. I look down at my waist and see that there's some weird sticky tape wrapped around me. I swivel my head in every direction to find the culprit responsible. Next thing I know, I'm behind one of the booths and standing right in front of, who I presume, is the tape's controller.

He's one of the "villains" from before.

I try to unstick myself and pull the tape away from my body, but it's no use.

He wraps more tape around me, this time binding my arms to my body. I cry out "Hey!" as I struggle even more under the tape. I try to backpedal away from him instead, but he quickly tapes my legs together, causing me to fall flat on my ass. Then he leans down to me, "It's ok (Y/n). We're the good guys."

I slowly stop struggling against the white tape and study his face for any lies or deceit. He looks sincere, but I can't trust my judgment anymore. I don't know what to do.

He looks around to make sure we haven't been spotted and helps me stand up. I embarrassingly hop around him to be against the booth's tarp. He watches me stumble and I can see him trying to hold in a laugh. He coughs to cover it up and checks the perimeter one more time.

The fighting and chaos are a pretty safe distance away. I'm actually amazed at how far I got by booth-hopping. Of course, that was before this dude showed up and ruined my plan.

"We're gonna get out of here," he tells me.

I sweat-drop.


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