18 - the in-laws

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The moonlight shines through the bedroom window, illuminating the clock on the wall beside me.

It's nearly midnight.

I vocalize my thoughts, "So . . . are we gonna talk about this?"

Bakugou attempts to feign sleep.

I prompt him again, "I know you're awake."

" . . . "

Is he seriously ignoring me?

Irritation rising, I sit up on the bed and tug my blanket away from Bakugou's 'sleeping frame', "Fine. If you're not gonna talk, then no blankie for you."

The blanket leaves his torso when he suddenly fists the hem of it and yanks it back to its original position.

I nearly topple facedown onto the mattress at the amount of brute force he uses. I involuntarily yelp and brace my arm to prevent a head-on collision, "Are you serious?"

Bakugou feigns sleep once more and what very little patience I had, vanishes without a trace.

I pull on the blanket again, as hard as I can, and expose Bakugou's upper half, "Stop acting like a child and - "

Bakugou whirls around and finally uses that mouth of his, "Stop fuckin' taking the blanket." He yanks it back towards him, but this time I'm prepared. Now that I know he's gonna use an obscene amount of force, I quickly release it and let gravity do its magic.

Bakugou falls right off the bed and unceremoniously lands on his ass with an unheroic shriek. He takes the blanket with him and is draped under it from head to toe.

Damn, he'd give Casper a run for his money.

I bite my lip harder than I've ever done, hoping my laughs won't come bubbling through. I bring my hand up to stifle my faint wheezing, but when Bakugou stands up, still completely covered by the blanket, I lose it.


I continue to laugh hysterically, not giving a rat's ass when I feel the tears running down my face. I cross my arms over my stomach in an attempt to catch my breath, but it's a fruitless endeavor.

With bleary vision, I watch as Bakugou slowly pulls the blanket off his body.

My stomach starts cramping up from the force of my hysterics, and only then do I actually try to calm down.

But still breathy from my laughter, I wheeze out, "You - you - looked so stupid!!"

Bakugou throws the blanket at me and I can't be bothered enough to stop it. I fall under its comforting weight and sprawl out unabashedly.

I dry my tears with the blanket, "Wow. Who knew you could actually make me laugh?"

The bed dips with his weight as he climbs on, "Just hurry up and say whatever the hell you need to say. I'm fuckin' tired."

I sit up and lean back on my hands, "Thank you for acting like a grown-up. I am very impressed."

His ruby eyes turn venomous and I realize this is probably not the best way to go about it.

I yield under his glare, "Look, all I want to know is why you . . . adopted Kaito . . . with me."

He makes no sign to answer so I plow on, "I just got the impression that you didn't want to. Was I wrong?"

He lazily rolls his eyes, "Obviously."

I wait for an explanation, and when he doesn't give me one, I ask, "Well, what changed?"

new girl in town (bakugou katsuki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now