19 - feelings

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"So now that everything is official, where are we gonna live?" I ask Bakugou at breakfast.

He stops eating and grumbles, "We can stay at my place for a few days and see whose house is better." Then he winks at me, "Hint hint, it'll be mine."

I roll my eyes as I respond, "I bet Kaito's gonna like my place better."

He puts down his fork and in a teasing tone says, "Oh ya, what are you betting?"

I dramatically put my fingers on my temple and act like I'm in deep concentration. "Ummm, I have no idea," and I start laughing.

Bakugou ignores me with tired eyes and says, "Loser has to do whatever the winner wants."

I give him a questioning look and he continues, "If Kaito likes my place better, you have to do whatever I say. And if Kaito likes your place, I'll do whatever you say."

Hmm . . .

I bite my lip, contemplating the offer.

Sounds interesting . . . 

His stupid scowl returns, "Hurry up and answer already."

"Fine. Game on princess." This time I'm the one doing the winking, which earns me an even grumpier scowl than before.

"Don't fucking call me that."

I stick my tongue out at him and leave Bakugou alone at the table.

This should be fun.


We spend the rest of the morning packing our things and getting ready to stay at Bakugou's place. Kaito was confused at first but after explaining to him that he would be able to choose where we lived, he got as excited as a kid on Christmas Eve.

We arrive at Bakugou's house and I shit you not, my jaw falls to the floor.

Holy fuck.

This is where he lives?

I was not expecting this at all.

We enter his house and the inside is just as impressive as the outside.

I whistle as we walk into the living room, "Wow, your house is gorgeous."

"I know," he smugly replies.

Kaito runs out to the backyard and yells, "This pool is huge!"

Welp, I guess that settles it.

We barely arrived and it looks like I already lost.

Bakugou gives us a little tour and when we finish, we finally begin unpacking.

Kaito gets the guest bedroom and I follow Bakugou into his room. It's super spacious and the entire ceiling is a massive window, giving us a beautiful view of the sky.

You've gotta be shitting me.

Bakugou starts emptying the contents of his bag while I awkwardly stand at the door.

After a few seconds, I finally manage to ask, "So, am I staying here too?"

Without even stopping to look at me, he replies, "Obviously, moron."

My lip twitches at the little nickname, but I let it go this time. I decide to go for civility instead and joke about our bet, "If we didn't make that bet, I'd beg for us to stay here instead."

new girl in town (bakugou katsuki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now