34 - shield us

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The new week started and Bakugou dropped Kaito and I off at his school like before. The school day was boring for me, but Kaito was absolutely in love with it. 

Mr. Hara and I try to be as civil as we both can be, and do our best not to annoy each other. And even though he's a smug little shit, I smile when I walk in to pacify us both. He doesn't smile back, but at least he acknowledges me now instead of straight up ignoring me. 

Mr. Hara teaches for a few hours then releases the kids for lunch. I am about to walk out the door when Mr. Hara coughs.

I turn around to look at him and ask, "Do you need a cough drop?"

I see his lips slightly turn up in amusement and he looks me in the eye and walks closer to me, "No, I'm fine."

I raise my eyebrow and say, "Ok, did you need something from me?"

He takes another step towards me and is now an arms length away from me, "No, I just wanted to apologize to you."

I don't say anything, allowing him to continue. "The way I acted when we first met last week was extremely unprofessional of me and I hope we can.......be friends?"

He said the last part as if it was a question and I had to actively stop myself from smirking and making fun of him. Damn, Bakugou is really rubbing off on me.

So instead I put my gloved hand on his shoulder, "I accept your apology Mr. Hara. Thank you."

He doesn't seem bothered by my touch but I take it off as soon as I finish talking. He visibly exhales as if he really thought I was gonna tell him to fuck off. I probably would've if it was anyone else besides my son's teacher.

"Then would you mind if we ate lunch together?"

I'm a little surprised at his request, but on the notion that we're turning over a new leaf, I accept. "Sure, I would love to."

He gives me a small smile and leads me to the teacher's lounge. I begin to eat the leftover spaghetti that Bakugou made last night and Mr. Hara begins eating some sushi.

We eat in awkward silence until Mr. Hara speaks up, "So, can I ask what your quirk is?"

I finish swallowing my food and answer him, "Ya, I have a mind-reading quirk. I can hear and see every single thought a person has had with a simple touch."

He raises his eyebrows in surprise and starts to look a little frightened, I laugh at his reaction. "Don't worry it has to be skin-to-skin contact. I've never read your thoughts, if that's what you're thinking. This is why I always wear these gloves, to make sure I don't accidentally touch someone."

He nervously chuckles and rubs the back of his neck, "That's actually pretty cool."

"Thanks, I think so too." I decide not to tell him about my other quirk, since it would probably freak him out.

"What about you? What's your quirk?" I ask him.

"My quirk is basically creating a forcefield. Nothing can penetrate it and I can make some pretty big ones. That's why I'm a teacher here." He takes a swig of his drink and continues, "I have to make sure that I can protect the school if a villain ever tries to seek revenge on the children of the pro-heroes."

Before I would've just thought that his quirk was interesting. But now that I'm a mother, I am so glad that my son would at least be protected by someone capable. 

I softly breathe out, "That's amazing." 

He's surprised by my genuine reaction and his face softens a little. "Thank you."

new girl in town (bakugou katsuki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now