9 - boys

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Today's the day!

 It's finally Friday!

The Trickster is gonna make his move and try to kidnap Kaito!

I probably shouldn't be this excited about it, now that I think about it.

Ah well, it's happening so whatever.

I head to Bakugou's office since I really don't know where else to go.

The door is closed and I see 2 other heroes in the office with Kirishima and Bakugou. They're sitting down at a table in the middle and Bakugou is the only one standing up, addressing them all at the same time.

Oh crap, I think they're having a meeting. Should I go in? I mean I'm not a hero, but I'm still pretty useful.


Ha, no.

I'm definitely not going in there.

I'm just gonna wait out here until they finish.

I lean back on the frame of the door and start scrolling through Instagram. And just as I'm about to heart a jjk meme, I get a text-

eijiro-boy: get your ass in here

me: no

eijiro-boy: if you dont get in here right now, i will have no choice but to terminate our friendship

me: what??? nooooooo

me: eiji . . . 

me: answer me!!

He leaves me on read so I peek into the room and sure enough, Eijiro is staring at me from across the room, with large, expectant eyes. I tiredly sigh and slowly open the door, trying to draw as little attention to myself as I can.

Bakugou's telling them about their plan for securing the perimeter around the convoy. I close the door as quietly as I can and lean against the wall, hoping they won't notice me.

But of course, the universe hates me.

They all hear the door and they turn around to stare at me. "Hi," I say quietly, giving them all a small wave.

Kirishima speaks up first, "(Y/n) here, you can sit next to me," and gestures to the empty seat beside him.

I whisper, "Ok," and walk over to the table, sitting down right next to him.

My face feels super hot.

Shit, am I blushing?

I resist the urge to touch my cheeks, knowing that will just draw more attention to me.

Fuck, what the hell's wrong with me?

I really need to make that appointment soon, I think I'm free tomorrow . . . 

Bakugou then resumes the meeting, totally ignoring me, and goes on about the villains and what kinds of quirks they may encounter while out there. I try to pay attention to what he's saying, but my eyes wander to the 2 other men in the room.

I think I've seen them both on tv, but I don't remember their names. What I do know is that they're both ranked in the Top 10 heroes list. Hell, maybe even Top 5.

Bakugou is at the end of the oval-shaped table facing us with Kirishima to his right. Directly across from Kirishima is a man with half-red, half-white hair and a big scar covering one of his eyes. Right next to him is another man with greenish hair and freckles.

new girl in town (bakugou katsuki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now