16 - tick tock

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After about an hour, Kaito stirs awake and opens his heterochromatic eyes, turns on his back, and stretches out his arms and legs. After he finishes, he looks back at me and whispers, "G-morning."

I grin back at him and reply, "Morning bebe."

Kaito beams at my words and then sheepishly admits, "I'm hungry."

I nod at him and try to sit up but Bakugou's arm is still draped over me.

Kaito notices and slinks out of the bed without so much as a creak. I try to imitate him but ultimately fail. As soon as I pull away, Bakugou's hand falls off my waist with a soft thud and he jolts awake.

My eyes widen and my entire body tenses up. I glance over my shoulder and find him with half-lidded eyes and a very confused, albeit tired, expression. 

I take advantage of his grogginess and throw the covers over his head, turning him into a purple ghost, and run away.

Kaito begins squealing with delight as we dash down the stairs. When we reach the kitchen, we're both huffing and puffing at the embarrassingly small marathon we just performed.

When we catch our breaths, I slip on my gloves that I left on the island from the night before and glance at the kitchen clock. It's 8:30 am right now, and we have to be at the Hero Public Safety Commission by 10, so that leaves us with enough time for breakfast.

I pick Kaito up and sit him down on top of the island, "Alright, so what do you want for breakfast?"

He holds his chin in concentration and clamps his eyes shut, "How about . . . pancakes . . . and waffles . . . and french toast!!"

I burst out laughing, "Sounds delicious!"

I prepare all the ingredients and elicit the help of my freakishly adorable sous chef. He whisks the large bowl of batter as best as he can and I actually cook the pancakes . . . and waffles . . . and french toast.

If I didn't have diabetes before, I sure as hell will now.

Is it ok for an 8-year-old to have this much sugar in the morning?

I should probably google that . . . or something.

I finish with the first plate of pancakes when Bakugou comes down the stairs. Kaito begins snickering into his hand as soon as Bakugou comes over to us in the kitchen. He put on a shirt now, so he's not half-naked anymore. Thank god! That would've been way too distracting . . .

"The hell are you guys doing?" He tiredly asks.

I deadpan, "We're scuba-diving . . . what's it look like we're doing, genius? We're making breakfast." Kaito bursts out laughing and the entire apartment goes silent when he snorts. The sizzling of the pan seems to shut up too.

He abruptly covers his mouth in what looks like disbelief and looks at us both with fear in his eyes.

I hold in my laugh, but end up snickering out, "Did you just snort?"

His eyes widen even further and he vigorously shakes his head.

I can't hold it in anymore and I burst out laughing, "Yes you did! You snorted like a little piggy!"

Kaito continues shaking his head while my laughter fills the entire apartment. His face and ears heat up as he hides his face in his hands. My laughter bubbles away and I want so desperately to take a picture of him. I won't because that would be adding injury to insult, but I really want to.

Instead, I make my over to him and hug his small frame, "If it makes you feel any better, you're one of the cutest piggies I've ever seen."

He tries to push me off, but I hold firm. "Ok ok, I'm sorry. I was only joking, bebe."

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