||Chapter 18||

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Y/N woke up with a strong headache that was almost killing her, but she had to go to office at any cost. They had a really big deal to be signed and being the secretary she can't really be absent.

She groaned in pain holding her head but managed to get her feet on the floor. With a little bit of stumbling steps she reached to the washroom and got ready for the day.

After having light breakfast she booked a cab and went for her job. As soon as she reached she was welcomed by Jimin's glares. She was late.

Jimin:- Miss Jung, did you see the time?

Y/N:- Sorry sir I slept a bit more.

She said keeping her head low. She was in no mood or condition to fight with Jimin. Her head was throbbing and making her so weak that tears were welling up in her eyes that she was holding back.

Jimin:- Your sorry won't work, this is office and you need to be punctual. I hate slackers. Here take these bundle of files and you aren't leaving today without completing them.

Y/N :- But si- okay.
She wanted to fight but she couldn't. She just wanted to complete her work as soon as possible and go hide under something warm and comfortable. With trembling hands she held the files making her way towards her cabin. She started doing her work.

After a few hours she even went with Jimin for the deal that he recieved easily.

Even after intaking four cups of coffee high in caffeine she couldn't keep her eyes open till the end. Among the 10 files she was supposed to do she completed 7 of them.

When Jimin entered her cabin he got shocked seeing her sleeping. As much as he knows Y/N isn't really that lazy. He gives her extra work so that she makes mistakes. He kneeled down to her sleeping posture and tried to call her by shaking her. When his hand came in contact with her body he felt her burning in fever.

Jimin:- Oh my god, she's burning in fever. Did she pass out?

He said and started panicking and called her

Jimin:- Y/N!!! Y/N!!!
He tried to pick her up in his arms when suddenly y/n stood up and Jimin fell backwards keeping hand on his chest.

Y/N:- Yes sir.
She stood in a salute position while Jimin slowly stood up and huffed.

Jimin:- God y/n you scared me so bad. I thought you have passed out. I was about to take you to hospital.

Y/N:- Sorry sir I dozed off. It won't happen again. By the way did you really think I would pass out?

Jimin:- Yeah you had fever.

Y/N laughed a little and said.

Y/N:- Sir I think you watch too many Kdramas. Yes I have fever but it's not that high that I will faint of it. That only happens in those Kdramas.

Jimin scoffed and rolled his eyes. He just got scared and wanted to be caring but instead she made fun of him.

Jimin:- Yeah okay okay. You have fever, you may leave and take rest.

Y/N gasped dramatically at his words and kept staring at Jimin.

Y/N:- Are you sure it's me who has fever and not you?

Y/N's question made Jimin raise an eyebrow.

Y/N:- I mean I can't believe you are giving me a leave this much early.

She said keeping her hand on his forehead checking his temperature. However Jimin started getting nervous seeing Y/N that much close to him. His heartbeat got fast as his eyes made their way towards her lips. However he mentally scolded himself for being like that and immediately shook his head.

Jimin:- Miss Jung if you don't want the leave, then it's okay continue.

Y/N:- No no, how can I deny this when you are offering me. You are really very kind sir. Thank you so much.

She bowed smiling and after quickly taking her belongings she was about to leave the room when suddenly Jimin held her wrist and pulled her towards him. She didn't realise at first and her head got bumped into Jimin's hard chest making both of their heart beat like crazy.

Jimin cleared his throat and said,

Jimin:- You are not well, come with me I will drop you.

Y/N wanted to deny but her body said otherwise as she unwillingly nodded her head and followed Jimin towards his car.

Jimin dropped y/n infront of her house, she thought he would once again leave speedily as soon as she get down but he didn't. He got down of his car and came near towards her.

Jimin:- Miss Jung, if you want you can take an off day tomorrow.

Y/n's eyes got widened.

'Why is he being so caring about me suddenly? That's so unusual of him. Wait is he doin this on purpose. What motive does he have behind this.'

She was about to say something when Jimin spoke again,

Jimin:- Also I am sorry about last day. Do you really hate me?

He said in a serious tone and y/n just gulped at his question. She doesn't hates him does she? It's just sometimes she feels annoyed but she knows he's a good man.

Y/n:- Haha Mr. Park, what are you asking haha?

Jimin:- I am serious y/n.

Y/n:- Ummm, no I don't hate you. I just said it. Don't take it seriously. Haha.

'I should leave he's acting strange.'

Y/n:- Okay then I am leaving sir. Thank you so much.

She said and almost ran away not understanding Jimin's intentions.

'It feels good to know that she doesn't hates me.'

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