||Chapter 14||

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Jimin:- Shut up and go do all these 10 files.

He said making y/n boil in anger. Meanwhile he himself felt guilty from inside. He doesn't wants to torture her but he has to so that she makes a mistake and he can just get away with the fact that secretaries are not really his thing and he would work a lot better without them.

Y/N pov

This cold jerk won't let me live in peace. I knew it, he was promoting me to trap me and make me work like a machine. Ugh by now I hate all men. Why God why? Why you give only jerks in my life? That too as a CEO.

Huh! He looks somewhat charming, but always has a cold face. Why dude why? Why are you so rude and cold.

But it's okay y/n, don't worry you are not like other employees of him. You are a hardworking girl. I will show him that he messed with the wrong person. And that arrogant smirk of his face, I swear oneday I will just scratch that pretty face of his. He shouldn't have the rights to smirk like that and look so handsome.

Huh what am I even thinking? Ugh I got crazy because of this jerk. But you wait and watch Mr. Rude I will show you what is this "Jung y/n"

Jimin pov

I feel bad when I give her the task. I saw that she came really early even earlier than her said time. However this much diligence in work won't help me. I am sorry that I am using you but my dad, he's a stubborn old man and he won't understand until and unless I take a step by myself. So had to use you.

I promise the moment I get what I want I will free you. However somewhat I am enjoying this too. This is my kind of revenge that I want.

Hehe! You are a stubborn girl right? I will break that fake belief of yours that you can do anything. Well, you are now trapped Miss Jung y/n. Welcome aboard.


Y/n accepted her fate and slightly nodded her head before taking the files from Jimin's hand. Even though she was having fire in her eyes she knew she has to do her job. Afterall what if he fires her. That she can't afford. Also right now it felt like a war in which she had to win anyhow.

Without wasting any single minute she went towards her cabin. Stretching herself once she opened her laptop, took the necessary items and the files.

She knows Jimin has a meeting at 3pm which gives her almost 5 hours if she skips her lunch. Well can't do anything so she decided to stick on that plan.

It was 2:40 and y/n was done with 8 of the files and two were remaining when suddenly someone tapped on her back making her flinch because she was totally into her work and didn't notice anyone's presence.

She got up and saw it was none other than her cold and rude boss.

Jimin:- So Miss y/n updates?
He asked while y/n stood up from her chair showing respect.

Y/n:- Yes sir. I am done with 8 of them. You have a meeting from 3 to 5 so if I come back by 5 I'll be able to complete the rest two files by 7.  With some extra time that I might need to discuss or anything else.

Jimin nodded being impressed by her work. Even though he didn't wanted her to be successful in this but somehow he felt proud of her. If it was someone else they could have never been able to complete the work within the working hours.

Jimin:- Okay, Good. Keep the good work Miss y/n and meet me in the meeting hall within the next 10 minutes.

He said while y/n bowed and he went away.

Y/N pov

Oh God did I hear right? He praised me? Did he hurt his head on the pole or is suddenly possessed by ghost. I thought he could only say rude things but guess he even got a sweet mouth.

Only if he used it a lot more . I would have been living peacefully. Anyways what can be done. This was written in destiny so now have to face it.

I took all the necessary items needed for the meeting and reached at the hall. I could feel my heartbeat at it's highest pace. Ofcourse because before this I have attended metting once or twice as a representative of my department. We didn't really had to do anything. However now I was going to attend a meeting as the CEO's secretary. Which means I had to pay a lot more attention and take notes because they will be used by Mr. Park later.

Okk y/n you can do it. Let's go.

I was motivating myself when suddenly I felt someone tapping my back. I turned around to see who it was and my mouth jaw dropped seeing the person.

 I turned around to see who it was and my mouth jaw dropped seeing the person

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What the fuck how can be someone so handsome. Am I dreaming. I can't stop looking at that gorgeous man infront of me. And on top of that his smile, that was killing me. Goddddddd I never knew being single was so much beneficial. I mean I can easily flirt with him and nothing will matter.

?:- Excuse me mam.
Oh my god his voice. Haha I feel like I have suddenly reached heaven. However I come back into my senses.

Y/n:- Yes, sorry didn't recognise you.

?:- Actually I am Lee Min Ho. I am here for the meeting with Mr. Park. It's our first meeting and I was actually not being able to find where the meeting is going to be held.

Y/n:- Oh nice to meet you sir. I am Jung y/n Mr. Park's personal secretary and this is the room where the meeting is going to be held.

Lee Min Ho:- Thank you so much. You are really pretty.
Gosh he is complimenting me. I blushed hard before nodding my head.

Y/n:- Thank you so much. You yourself are really good looking.

He smiled at my compliment and I can feel I am dead and have reached heaven.

He ruffled my hair making my heart flutter when I heard two voices together.


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