My Sister Subdued

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Aurora whimpered in pain from his bruising grip as he twisted her breasts one way and then the other. "That's it. Moan for me bitch!" he snarled in her ear. He was rubbing his erection against her thinly covered center aggressively. His body was weighing down on her, and she felt her stomach tighten slightly in response. 

Knott licked his disgustingly wet tongue up the side of her neck, stopping at the lobe of her ear. He brought the flesh between his teeth and nibbled it. She sucked in a breath at the unfamiliar sensation, the hair on her skin was standing up responsively. Aurora bit her tongue until she tasted blood to stop the moan from bubbling past her lips. She was not weak. She kept repeating this like a mantra in her head. 

"I never did get to try you out for myself before Snape stole all the glory." He said sourly, the heat of his breath burned her ear unpleasantly. "Before the day is through, I'll have you begging for me, the way you do for him." Knott promised. 

Aurora glared defiantly at him as he lowered his hand to run it up her thigh and under the center of her knickers. He shoved his finger inside of her without warning, and pumped it into her roughly. She inhaled sharply but stubbornly refused to give him any other reaction. 

"Depulso!" Aurora cried out in relief at the sound of Snape's deep baritone and Knott's expulsion from her body. The spell had caught him completely off guard, knocking him off of her body abruptly and to the floor below her. 

Knott scrambled to his feet and began lying, "Severus, she came on to me. She was begging for it, just like when you had her dripping in the library. She's a slut! I was only giving her what she wanted. "

"He's lying!" Aurora shouted, "I swear Snape, I never said - " Snape silenced her with a glare and stalked determinedly towards Knott. He reached down and grabbed Knott by the collar of his uniform, pulling him up several inches to meet his eyes. Snape pointed his wand at Knott menacingly as he looked into his light blue orbs. The blue flecks in Knott's eyes glittered at him questioningly and he said, "Severus?" 

"Legilimens." Snape said quietly. Aurora watched interestedly as Knott's eyes widened in horror. She had not known that Snape knew such a unique skill but she was thankful that he would see it had not been her fault. The last thing she wanted was a punishment tonight. Her mind was barely staying together as it was. She wished her arms were free from their bonds so she could cover her breasts. Aurora felt extremely vulnerable in that moment and unwilling sobs quietly slipped past her lips. 

Snape ended the spell harshly and Knott winced in pain from the abrupt departure from his mind. "Aurora's moans are not meant for your ears!" Snape seethed, and pushed away from him forcibly. He whispered a silencing spell and raised his wand unwaveringly in Knott's direction. "Crucio.His voice was a menacing grumble, as he uttered the words.

Aurora watched in grim fascination as Knott's spine curved unnaturally up off the floor. The palms of his hands slammed into the floor, and his nails scratched the stone helplessly. His mouth was open and she could see the muscles in his throat contracting, but no screams could be heard.

Snape ended the spell and snarled at Knott harshly, "she is to be my wife. She carries my child within her. Her body is mine to do with as I please. She does not belong to you!"

Knott was quivering on the floor and tried unsuccessfully to nod his agreement. Snape looked at him in disgust as he failed to raise himself up off the floor. "Pathetic." He sneered. 

Snape walked over to Knott and crouched down in front of him, he glared down at the boy harshly. "If you ever try anything like that again, you may not walk away with your life. You had your chance with her before my claim was set upon her, you will never get another one." Snape drew himself back up to his full height and told Knott to get out of his sight before he decided to curse him again. 

Snape walked over to her and used his wand to dissolve the bonds holding her wrists captive. Aurora immediately sank into the mattress and covered herself with the thin blanket. Tears were still pouring from her eyes, and now that the adrenaline from her assault had gone, she had nothing to focus on but her feelings of hollowness. 

The second person to ever touch her down there other than herself, had also done it without her permission. Just like Snape had not asked permission before shoving his cock inside her, and poisoning her womb with his violating seed. Aurora had not had a single dark thought towards her pregnancy since she had learned of it, but she couldn't stop a tiny ball of resentment from growing. 

She heard the click of the door as Knott had finally managed to limp out of the room, and then she turned to Snape with a blank gaze. He walked towards her cautiously and sat down next to her on the bed. He brought his hand up to the side of her face, and she watched his gaze darken as he stroked her split lip softly. "Are you alright?" He asked concernedly. 

Aurora's brows pinched together in confusion at his gentle manner. After he continued to stare at her like he was deeply invested in her answer, she told him. "I just need to sleep." He nodded and turned the light in the room off. The sun was just beginning to dip below the horizon, casting a faint glow across the room. 

Aurora closed her eyes. She ignored the squeeze in her chest as she thought about Knott's tongue gliding across her throat. She shivered in disgust and tried in vain to shut the image out. She stiffened when she felt the bed dip behind her, and Snape laid down with her. He wrapped his arm around her and brought her tightly against his chest. His hand came to rest protectively over the small bump in her abdomen.

Aurora wanted him to get his hands off her. Her skin was crawling beneath his touch, and her muscles were wound tighter than a spring coil. Snape snaked his hand down from its position on her belly until it reached the outside of her knickers. 

Aurora's stomach dropped and she grabbed his arm tightly, trying to pull it away from her. "Snape please, don't" She begged. 

He shook her grip off his arm and nuzzled the side of her neck reassuringly. Snape kissed the outer shell of her ear as he told her, "Don't worry. I'm gonna erase his touch from your mind." His fingers pushed aside her knickers, and he slipped two of them into her slit. He rubbed the small bud at the apex of her sex with slow languorous movements. 

A sob burst forth at Snape's ministrations. He played her body like an experienced pianist, tickling her senses in all the right places. She felt her hips stutter and jerk up to meet his movements greedily. The familiar burning began in the tops of her toes and Aurora begged once more, "Please, stop." 

Snape ignored her as he suckled the junction of her neck, where the base met the collarbone. She moaned loudly and her clit pulsed eagerly when he slid his fingers away from her small nub, and pushed them inside her slowly. He spread them within her, caressing her walls lovingly. His thumb reached up to stroke her clit in lazy circles, and her legs twitched in response. Her moans were gaining in intensity as she climbed higher to that precipice of ecstasy. 

Aurora was torn between the pleasure she was feeling from his actions, and the emotional torture that was ripping through her. She was powerless to stop her orgasm as it crashed through her and brought fresh tears to her eyes. Snape was right, her body was not her own. 

Snape pulled his hand away from her center and rested it flatly against her belly once more. He kissed her neck affectionately, "I'll always protect you, Aurora." Snape promised. 

Aurora stared absent mindedly at the empty beds in front of her and blinked slowly. A tear fell from her eye and slid down the bridge of her nose. She was worthless, her usefulness didn't extend further than her ability to please men with her body. Snape traced slow circles over the smooth skin of her abdomen and Aurora allowed her eyes to close, focusing on the gentleness of the action. At least Snape had not been brutal with his assault this time, there had been a kindness to his touch. She frowned sadly as she slowly drifted off to sleep.

A/N: Thoughts?

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