"In the calm of their reunion, little did they know that beneath the surface, storms were brewing." 🌪️


Weeks have passed since my arrival in Egypt. I've grown accustomed to everyone in the house, but I'm still struggling to navigate the school. Marwa remains unchanged, so I make an effort not to interfere with her.

In the past few days, we've been at odds. I approached her, asking if I had offended her in some way, as her aloofness since my arrival puzzled me. She remained silent, indicating that I hadn't done anything wrong. She mentioned not feeling well, and in that moment, I sensed her vulnerability, offering her a chance to open up. Our relationship improved slightly thereafter, even though she still preferred her distance.

While walking on campus, I felt a presence behind me. Though I turned and found no one, the sensation persisted, prompting me to alter my route towards busier areas.

As I turned once more, I nearly collided with Aya. Relief washed over me—it was only her. Over the past weeks, we've become acquainted, solidifying our friendship.

"Farhan, where were you lost?" Aya inquired.

"My apologies, Aya. I thought someone was following me," I admitted.

Aya chuckled, "That's quite amusing, Farhan. Who would follow you here, or are you avoiding someone?" she teased, winking.

Chuckling nervously, I assured her, "Oh, no, nothing like that. Let's catch up and grab lunch," she suggested, pulling me along to the cafeteria before I could respond.

We ate.........

As Aya's phone rang, she answered and quickly signaled for us to wrap things up. After ending the call, she informed me, "It's my brother; he's here to pick me up. Are you finished with your lectures?"

"Yes, I'm done," I replied. "Then it's settled. We can go together," she said.

Concerned about inconveniencing her, I hesitated, saying, "But your brother doesn't know I'm tagging along, and I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

"It's no problem; we can all go," she reassured me. Reluctantly, I agreed, deciding to inform my driver that he didn't need to come. Since my house was closer to the school than hers, there would be no inconvenience in dropping me off first.

Upon reaching her brother's location, Aya took the passenger seat, leaving me in the back. I settled in and greeted her brother, overhearing her affectionately address him as "Akhi Ayman," but opting for a simple greeting myself.

Upon arrival at my house, I expressed my gratitude and bid them farewell before heading inside.

Ayman's POV

As I watched my sister and the girl approaching, a strange sense of familiarity washed over me, but I pushed the feeling aside, not wanting to let superstition cloud my judgment. As they drew nearer, the sensation intensified, and I resisted acknowledging it, averting my gaze to avoid being swayed by mere emotions. It was an inexplicable connection, one I chose to ignore, dismissing it as mere coincidence.

Aya engaged in conversation with the girl, her voice ringing vaguely familiar. Despite the nagging feeling, I focused on driving, increasing the volume of the car speakers to drown out their chatter. Aya shot me a knowing look, silently conveying that they were talking and I was adding to the background noise.

Upon dropping off Aya at their house, I couldn't shake the curiosity about the girl's presence. I knew the owner of the house, leading me to wonder if she was a relative or a guest. The unanswered questions lingered in my mind as I proceeded to my workplace, a clandestine location where I contacted a trusted acquaintance.

In the dimly lit room, a figure emerged from the shadows as my call connected. "Assalamualaikum, Akhi Ayman," the figure greeted.

"Waalaikumus salaam," I responded. "I need a background check on someone, a girl I encountered today. There's something suspicious about her, but I can't quite pinpoint it," I explained.

"Consider it done. I'll send you the details tonight," the figure assured me.

"Thank you," I replied before bidding farewell. Closing my eyes, I sought solace in prayer, asking Allah to alleviate my worries.

Turning to an old, worn book, I retrieved a photograph to dispel my doubts. The image depicted two elderly men, one of whom was unmistakably my father. Though the resemblance to my father's friend was absent in the girl, uncertainty lingered. "Slowly but surely, I'll uncover the truth," I resolved, returning the book to its secret location.

Farhan's POV:
I got home and took a refreshing shower. Due to me seated at the back i didn't see who her brother was but i have a strange feeling with him. I  brought out my assignments to finish them up and study for the upcoming test.

Before heading downstairs for dinner with the family, I rearranged my room to achieve a more aesthetic look. I moved furniture around, added some decorative elements, and ensured everything was neatly organized. Switching the light to a soothing blue hue, I created a calming ambiance that instantly lifted my mood. As a final touch, I selected a scented candle and lit it, allowing its warm glow to fill the room with a delightful fragrance. Satisfied with the transformation, I made my way downstairs to join the family for a cozy evening meal.

For dinner, Farhan joined Aya's family for a delicious Egyptian meal, showcasing the rich flavors and aromas of the cuisine. The table was adorned with an array of traditional dishes, including koshari, a hearty combination of rice, lentils, pasta, and crispy onions, topped with a tangy tomato sauce and spicy chili paste. Alongside the koshari were falafel, crisp on the outside and soft on the inside, paired with a creamy tahini sauce for dipping.

To complement the main dishes, there was a selection of mezze, including baba ganoush, hummus, and tabbouleh, served with warm pita bread for dipping and scooping. Fresh salads featuring cucumbers, tomatoes, and olives, dressed with lemon juice and olive oil, added a refreshing touch to the meal.

For dessert, a tray of baklava was presented, delicate layers of phyllo pastry filled with chopped nuts and sweetened with honey syrup, creating a decadent and indulgent finale to the meal. As they gathered around the table, sharing laughter and stories, the aroma of the fragrant dishes filled the air, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

"How is school farhan" Uncle asked

"Its going well Alhamdulillah" I replied. We're starting test by next upper week" I added.

Ma sha Allah. May allah help you thorugh. He prayed and everyone answered ameen.

Shortest chapter ever!. 🤭🦋

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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