"Both options sound amazing!"

We ended up staying in and playing video games. After a while, we were back in his bed. A movie playing quietly in the background. I looked up at him and he looked down at me and I inched forward and kissed him. He kissed me back gently. Eventually, the kiss gets heated and I climb onto him. His hands immediately find my hips and he's pushing me down into him. I give in easily and happily; I know that if I need him to quit, he will. My hands find his hair and I start to dig in a little and he lets out a groan against my lips.

He pulls me further on him, rocking me slightly. It feels like heaven. He pulls away from my lips and stills my hips, "Baby, are you sure this is what you want cause oh my," he said breathlessly. I had to think about it. I really, truly wanted him, but I don't know how much I can take before I crack. I haven't had sex since Eric and after Eric it's all been traumatic and painful and just overall a terrible experience. To be vulnerable like that, for him to see me in that sense, is a scary thought and I don't think I can do it, I'd love to but for now I think it'll be better to take it slow. I want him more than anything, more than I want air in my lungs, but I'm scared.

"Tae, I love you and I want you, but I'm afraid," I said. I didn't need to give him more than that because I know he'll understand.

"That's okay," he replied and held me onto him. I could still feel him and it made me a little sad because I wanna give him that vulnerability, but it still feels like an obligation on my part.

"Tae, can I move?" I asked.

"Of course baby, you don't have to ask. It's not an obligation to stay and do things you aren't comfortable with it was never your responsibility."

"I guess he trained me the way he wanted."

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"He used to make me sit on my knees for hours, with the threat of if I got up he'd hurt Eric and y'know, he was always my kryptonite, my weakness if you will. One time I moved because my knees hurt, so he beat me until I couldn't breathe. I almost passed out. He only gave up because I stopped struggling and screaming. He did that a lot. It's why my back is as messed up as it is. The long scar across my shoulder blades came from him, cutting me with a knife because I refused to do something he had wanted. He also had me kept in his basement for days. That week I said I'd be staying with Eric, I was kept there. He sent the text and threatened to kill Bin if I said anything. So that's where more than half of the scars came from."

"Sunny, I'm so sorry that him and I couldn't have done more to protect you or help you. I feel terrible, how much did you tell Eric?"

"I told him fractions and all the things he needed to know, that one in specific because he covered for me. He thought I was playing hooky with a friend, he didn't know that, that had happened. I also told him about the time he kept me in the basement. He had tied me up and beat me black and blue and burned me, stabbed me, raped me over and over again until he was satisfied. He tried to turn me into a puppet for his control."

"And you still wanted him in your life after you found out that your dad paid him?" He asked. He looked disgusted and I couldn't help but feel like it was towards me.

"I'm sorry," I said, not meeting his eyes. I sat up and started to get up to leave.

"Sunny? Where are you going?" He asked.

"Sorry I'm disgusting. I'll leave. I don't blame you for not wanting damaged goods," I said as I stood up. He jumped up after me and hugged me tightly.

"Baby, you aren't disgusting. I love you! You are not damaged goods or someone to be thrown away after using you aren't a condom. You will never disgust me. I'm just disturbed by the things he did to you all in the name of your father. I think he was just a disturbed, fucked up person who had serious issues. No one treats someone they love like that."

"I still dream about him on me and in me and hurting me. It's why I can't have sex, I think. I mean, I did with Eric, but that was different. Min never wanted anything to do with that because of Eric. Well and Hansol, so, yeah."

"Why Hansol?"

"He thought I would choose him, he was scared that I'd wake up one day and pick him. I don't get it I only did what I had to do to keep those close to me safe, y'all have no idea what he's capable of because I hide my wounds and scars."

"Baby, with me you never have to hide. I'm with you for all of it. I've loved you almost our whole lives. You are my best friend and my favorite person. I love you until the very end. I've got you."

I know he's speaking the truth, he's seen all the scars, every piece of it, and he still loves me and wants to stay. "I love you with every fiber of my being."

"I love you too."

After a while I was back in his bed and we were still talking about things but this time lighter. Rocky had run across my mind and it made me sad. So I instead told Tae that I was hungry, so we went to the kitchen and started cooking.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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