Chapter 20

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Jungkook woke up in the same bed where his taehyung was lying unconscious a few hours ago. And then the realization dawned upon him that the brunette was missing, or probably had run away from them, from him.

Tears started pouring out of his eyes and in no time he was bawling like a child. The commotion brought Jin and Jimin to his side, trying to comfort him. But they knew that the ravenette deserved this, in fact they all did.

But more than that right now they were concerned about taehyung's safety. There was a high chance that he would try to take his life again and that mere thought was sending shivers down their spines. 

"H-hyung, hyung please bring him back. I'll die, i feel like i can't breathe without him near me. I'll accept any punishment hyung, I'll fall on my knees and beg him for forgiveness, I'll do whatever he says but please ask him to come back. He can be mad at me for however l-long he w-wants, but please bring him back to me hyung. I can't live in a world without him" jungkook sobbed in Jin's chest. 

His heart was shattered and it felt like someone was ripping his insides out, not someone actually something, guilt. It was guilt that had drowned him completely making him hate himself more and more with each passing second.

Jin and jimin could do nothing more than cry with him and comfort him even though deep inside they were really mad at him. But this was not the time. Anger can wait, it's not like only the ravenette was at fault here.

Jimin suddenly looked around for someone, "where is hoseok hyung?" 

"He got a call from the police, they finally caught Lisa. With the help of the testimony of her accomplice and all the proof that hobi and the police collected, they said that she was going in for life imprisonment for sure." Jin said every word laced with hatred for the woman.

Jungkook breathed a sigh of relief hearing that but couldn't bring himself to be happy about the news. It didn't seem important enough at the moment.

"Serves that bitch right. If she wasn't going to jail I would've killed her with my bare hands" jimin gritted his teeth.

They all jumped in their places as the door opened with a bang and namjoon barged in.

"We have to go file a missing person's report. We can't find him on our own and i don't think delaying it further will do any good" namjoon stated, everyone agreeing instantly.


Taehyung was still in that hotel room, sitting on the couch and staring blankly at the wall in front of him.

Yoongi was on call with someone, talking in low whispers with a frown etched on his face. 

He cut the call abruptly and turned around to find the brunette lost in his thoughts somewhere. He knew exactly what he must be thinking. Afterall the pain of betrayal by someone so close to you was something he was familiar with. 

He sighed, wanting nothing more than taking the pain away from this fragile human. A sudden wave of protectiveness clouded his mind and all he wanted to do was keep the brunette safe and away from any kind of harm.

Why was he even feeling this way. This feeling confused him to the core. There were only two people he had felt this type of protectiveness in his life for, well now only one but to feel the same way for a practical stranger was unnerving for him.

He walked towards the brunette and sat beside him, "Taehyung"

No response. 

"Taehyung" he called out a little loudly while tapping his arm.

The brunette was startled but relaxed the next second. He looked at yoongi with those beautiful eyes that were tinted red due to all the crying he has been doing for the past hours. 

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