Chapter 15

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Taehyung's whole world had fallen apart in front of his eyes. His stomach was squeezing painfully, and he could physically feel the hurt radiating off of him.

Jimin looked at him, eyes holding tears of guilt and shame, but it was of no use. He had lost Taehyung's trust, and it broke him in ways he couldn't explain.

But who's to blame for that.

"Tae, I swear I got to know recently I was not a part of this. Please believe me, jimin pleaded, tears pouring out from his eyes nonstop.

Taehyung remained blank. He felt numb, like he couldn't feel anything or maybe because he was feeling so much all at once that his mind had completely shut down.

"Leave" he whispered.

Jimin was frantic. This was not supposed to happen. He hid it from him to save him. He can't bear the thought of losing taehyung, but that's exactly what was happening and it was terrifying the blonde.

"Tae ple-"

"I said LEAVE jimin. Or do you want me to go" Taehyung said, face emotionless, staring off into space.

Jimin reluctantly got up. He had no choice. He has never seen his bestfriend like this and he was scared beyond belief.

"I'm really sorry. Just know that I'd never hurt you on purpose. And I hate myself that I did hurt you anyways" jimin sighed heavily tears still flowing out.

He turned around and left. He wasn't going to leave though. He just closed the door and slumped on the ground.

He texted jungkook immediately, wishing to all the gods above that the raven head would be here and his best friend won't do anything in the meantime.

Taehyung knew the blonde won't leave. He knew him better than anyone else and that fact was hurting him even more. Because he couldn't understand why would jimin keep this from him.

He stood up but his legs wobbled. Just how weak was he.

Is that why jungkook lost interest in him. Because he was just some weak pathetic human who always needed others to get by.

Was he a burden on everyone.


Yes he was. And now they're all tired of him.

He somehow gathered all his strength and walked towards his bedroom, their shared bedroom.

He clenched his fists as sweet memories started floating in front of his eyes, but now each memory was like a knife slicing through his heart painfully.

It was suffocating. He couldn't breathe, it was all just too much.

He wanted the pain to go away, he wanted the tears to stop, he wished that it was all just a nightmare but the sound of his erratically beating heart said otherwise.

He knew what he had to do. It won't be hard, he just wants to stop feeling and maybe after that everything will be alright again.


Meanwhile, jimin was still sitting outside waiting for jungkook to come so that they could go inside.

He could feel a cold shiver run through his body, and goosebumps rose on his skin.

The blonde was not having a good feeling about this. He was horrified at the thoughts that kept coming to his mind.

Then suddenly a car screeched to stop in front and out came a frantic jungkook followed by hoseok.

Jungkook was already in tears, sheer fear evident in his eyes as he practically dashed through the closed door.

Dread had seeped into every cell of his body when he had gotten that text from jimin earlier. Jungkook knew that everything was on the brink of falling apart.

He knew he was too late but he couldn't lose taehyung so he ran like his life depended on it. Well it actually did.

He burst through the door frantically searching for a certain brunette.


"Tae baby where are you"

"Tae please let me explain please"

He kept shouting while looking around every room in the house cursing himself for getting a house this big.

He reached the bedroom door and luckily it wasn't locked.

He half expected taehyung to be there either crying his eyes out or packing his things to leave but what he didn't expect was an empty room with water all over the floor.

He looked at the bathroom door and felt his heart stop for a moment.

His entire being shivered at the thought.

Hoseok and Jimin came running behind but stopped eyes wide the moment they realized what might be happening.

Jungkook ran towards the bathroom door but it was locked.

Tears were flowing non stop from his eyes as he called for taehyung again and again banging on the door, begging for the brunette to open up.

Hoseok then came forward and they both decided to break the door before its too late.

The moment the door broke open everyone present was frozen, horrified at the scene in front of their eyes.

There was taehyung lying in the bathtub drowned in water.

And he wasn't moving.


Hello my lovely readers.

I know I'm late as always. Sorry the updates take so much time.

I'm kinda losing interest in wattpad. Also idk if anybody is even liking this story so there's little to no motivation for me.

But I want to complete this I have the plot in mind. I just wish there was some app that could just translate my thoughts into words.

Writing a story is much more difficult than I thought initially. Conveying my thoughts and feelings to you guys and not even knowing if I'm able to is just....

So guys, if you want me to keep continuing the story and update a little bit faster, then please show some love.

Engage in the story

And please tell me if you don't like something. I'm open to constructive and respectful criticism.

Okay then that's all.

Happy reading!


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