Chapter 3

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"Huh what?" Taehyung flinched at the loud noice of his shouting hyung.

"I've been calling you for like hundreds of years. How can you ignore such a beautiful and handsome person" the other gasped dramatically holding his chest pouting like a baby.

Taehyung rolled his eyes at his hyung's behavior.

"Yah you brat! Don't roll your eyes at me" he smacked taehyung's head lightly glaring playfully.

Taehyung giggled a little, he loved annoying his hyung.

"Jin hyuuuuunggggg, you know I love you right" he made adorable puppy eyes at him and who is jin to not melt at the sight.

"Whatever. Don't use my weakness like that" jin said smacking him again and they started giggling together.

These were the times where taehyung could get his mind off of his failing marriage, his husband's changing behavior and the daily loneliness.

Jin was three years older than him and hence treated him like his younger brother. Taehyung was glad to have someone like him in his life after his parent's death.

Yeah, taehyung's parents were dead. They died in a plane crash when he was just 8 years old. His grandmother took care of him since then. But she too passed away when he turned 16.

It was the worst day of his life but he was so glad to have his support system. His other family, his hyungs.

"I knew you two would forget I exist once you get together, I wasn't expecting this from you atleast taehyung"

A familiar voice broke taehyung's train of thoughts and he smiled widely at the sight of his favorite person.

"JIMIN!!!!!" taehyung yelled and practically sprinted towards the shorter blonde male, his best friend.

"TAEHYUNG!!!!" jimin shouted back returning the energy and running towards the brunette.

"Remind me why am I even friends with dorks like you both" jin sighed facepalming himself.

"BECAUSE YOU LOVE YOUR PRECIOUS BABIES" they both shouted in unison earning another eye roll from the elder.

"You're not kids anymore stop acting like two. Especially you taehyung, you are married for god sake" jin scolded them playfully but in real he adored the younger two more than he could ever express.


Taehyung's face fell at the thought of a certain raven head which didn't go unnoticed by the other two.

"What happened tae, is something wrong?" Jimin asked him arms still hanging loosely around the brunette.

"Ah-its nothing" taehyung tried to shrug them off but it wasn't any good because they could see right through him.

"Come here" jin said patting the spot beside him.

They sat together on the couch with taehyung in the middle being almost squished by them.

"Now tell us what happened" jimin asked softly concern evident on his face.

"It's- its jungkook" he breathed heavily before continuing, "ever since he came back from the Japan trip he has been distant. And lately he just seems so- I don't know how to put it hyung. He comes home late everyday or somedays he won't come at all, and he won't even text or call to let me know. And he doesn't talk to me at all its like we are strangers living together. Whenever I ask him something he gets annoyed and he's turning way too rude day by day. I don't know w-whats wron-g hyung. What did I- what did I do hyung"

And he broke down in their embrace. It was too much. He had no idea what to do. What did he do wrong or what can he do to make it right. He didn't want to lose the love of his life. He was desperate, yes he was and he wasn't ashamed to accept that.

Jimin and jin shared a concerned glance before engulfing the brunette in a hug. Oh how badly they wanted to make everything okay. They couldn't see their precious baby in so much pain.

But they were confused. They knew jungkook well and it wasn't like him to treat taehyung this way. That boy was whipped for taehyung.

They had to literally pull jungkook away from taehyung back in college.

Then what happened now.

"Maybe he's stressed because of work taehyungie"

"Or maybe he just needs some space"

"It's normal for people to want some space after being in a relationship for too long"

They both tried to comfort taehyung and trying to find a possible explanation for the ravenette's ignorant behavior.

"I don't know hyung I've tried everything. I've tried giving him space, to support him as much as I can but I can't anymore hyung. I'm so tired" taehyung whispered still sniffing.

Jimin sighed and rubbed soothing circles on his back. He hated this. He's always hated to see taehyung cry. It was just something he couldn't see.

Maybe it was because when he first met taehyung the boy was crying then too. And the first thing his innocent mind could think of was to protect the small 6 year old brunette always.

He was getting a little angry at jungkook for hurting taehyung like this and he made a mental note to talk it out with the ravenette.

"Jin hyung why don't you ask joonie hyung to have a talk with kook. You know he listens to everything he says" jimin suggested.

"Yeah that will do I'll ask him to go meet up with jungkook" jin cupped taehyung's face and kissed his forehead, "Don't worry I'm sure it's just work stress everything will be okay in no time you'll see" he tried to reassure the brunette but somehow he didn't believe his own words. His instinct defying the words that just left his mouth.

"Are you sure?" Taehyung asked timidly voice laced with pain and doubt. How badly he wanted jin's words to be true.

"Yes baby I promise everything will be okay" jin said in a soft voice but taehyung knew somewhere in his heart that it was another empty promise.

But he won't lose hope. He will try everything to save his marriage, he wanted the old jungkook back.

But we don't always get what we want, do we?


Well how was it?

It's 10 in the morning and the first thing I'm doing is this🤷🏻‍♀️

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Thank you lovelies💜

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