»»----- Chapter Thirty-Two -----««

16 4 2

Author's POV

Taehyung sat upon his throne, his brows furrowed in deep contemplation. The throne room, once alive with the echoes of courtly chatter, fell into a hushed reverence as the king withdrew into the recesses of his thoughts. 'How was his heart beating again?'

It's been quite some time since he and Y/N got back from Garzooka. Both were injured and exhausted as dealing with Trevor was enough adventure for the day. Y/N was transported to her room and Lilith was called immediately to treat her wounds and check up on her health. As for Taehyung, being the Dark Lord came with advantages, he could heal his own wounds on the spot if he wanted to and that's what he did after regaining his consciousness at the fight with Trevor. 

His gaze was fixed on a point beyond the grand windows, where the blood moon bathed the kingdom in its red-silvery glow. The flickering candlelight accentuated the intensity of his introspection, casting shadows that danced upon the walls like fleeting whispers.

The ornate tapestries, depicting triumphs and tribulations of generations past, blurred into the background as the king delved into the recesses of his mind. His fingers absently traced the intricate carvings on the armrest of his throne, a rhythmic motion betraying the gravity of the matter at hand.

A heavy silence enveloped the room, broken only by the distant sounds of the castle settling into the night. Jimin walked in followed by Gong Yoo and the other members and stood at a close distance, exchanging cautious glances, sensing the weight of their ruler's contemplation.

In the midst of the stillness, the king's eyes revealed the depth of his concern. Deep pools of thought reflected a mix of weariness and determination, as if wrestling with a decision that could reshape the course of the kingdom. His jaw tightened, and the pulse in his temple quickened with the rhythm of profound deliberation.

What occupied the king's mind remained was quite obvious and evident, revealed by the stoic expressions he wore as a ruler. Yet, the atmosphere bespoke a critical juncture, a pivotal moment that demanded his undivided attention. 

Gong Yoo looked up at him quietly and decided to break the silence. "Taehyung-ah, I heard about something from Jimin. Is your heart really beating again?" The king came back from his train of thoughts and answered with a simple nod. 

He couldn't blame Jimin for opening his mouth because it was a serious matter that his close people had to know about. The curse that he was born with had actually taken effect upon him and now it was broken a few hours ago. It wasn't a simple thing that both he and Jimin could keep between themselves. Taehyung knew that Gong Yoo had to know since he is his most trustworthy person who was always there for him no matter what. He was his best friend and also his family. He was the type of person who would know what was wrong with Taehyung just by looking at him.

"Are you really telling us the truth? You're not joking right?" Jin, the Lord of Beauty asked. Taehyung took his hand and brought it up to his chest. The thumping inside his chest vibrated onto his hand. Jin looked back at the others, "It's actually beating."

Excited little Jungkook smiled. "How does it feel Hyung?" Taehyung shifted his eyes from Jin to Jungkook. "It feels different from nostalgia. It's like I've missed this feeling for such a long time but it also feels weird that something is moving inside of me now."

He got up from his throne and stroked Jungkook's soft brown hair. "How are you feeling? You ok now? Does it hurt anywhere?" 

Jungkook took his hand from his head and held it in his. "I'm fine now. Even better when Jiminie told me about your heart."

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