»»----- Chapter Six -----««

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Present Time

Soon the door started to creak open and Y/N walked in tired, looking like a zombie. Her clothes were covered in dirt as if she had an early morning walk in the jungle. Y/N's eyes were filled with tiredness but somewhere in them she had the willingness to look more into something that she had come for. 

She can't believe that her only hope to catching the culprit was gone. Now there was no possible way that she can find who the culprit is because the necklace was the only thing that could force the culprit to come to her himself. Tomorrow will the first day of Y/N's University and with all this happening already, Y/N doesn't think that she will be able to do her best in her degree. 


(I actually forgot to mention which degree Y/N is doing so you can choose which degree and career field you want to pursue)

Today was the day that Y/N had decided to organize all the things that she will need for her lectures and relax after that but the necklace of that super natural beast going missing didn't let her do that.


I march back and forth in my apartment blaming myself of how the necklace could get lost. It is really frustrating because that necklace was the only thing that could help me in finding who killed my parents. Like seriously, how much of a coward is that beast, he had to knock me out in order to stop the fight, honestly whoever this guy is, he is one of those who attacks from the back, in the dark (like a backstabber).

I looked over to my study table, it had my lecture books ready, all I had to do was to organise them in the order of my classes and have extra notebooks just incase I need them. You can never be very prepared, after all, I am a nerd and smarty pants. Then my mind went off to my next door neighbour, V, when I heard his apartment door opening and then closing. 

"Should I just go and thank him for looking after me when I was knocked out? Wait... why should I? It's going to sound so weird. 'Thank you V for taking care of me when I was knocked out' Ew it sounds weird." I thought to myself.

Battling with the good side and bad side of my mind, I finally opened my door and called out to V who looked like he was off to somewhere. 

"V" I called. He stopped for a second and I could see him turn half way and then start walking again. What the hell. Did he just ignore me or something? I called out to him again, "V!" This time he just stopped, he didn't look and then started to walk again after a spilt second.


I woke up in the morning and turned around to see an empty bed. Y/N was not there. I got up all of a sudden starting to think if something bad has happened to her. 

"What if someone kidnapped her? What if she went off to somewhere and passed out again? Wait what? Why am I thinking about all that. After battling with a hundred scenarios in my mind, I finally came up with the conclusion that maybe she has gone back to her apartment and to check that, I actually made all the door slamming sounds on purpose so that I could make sure that Y/N really is in her apartment. 

As I turned around to walk off to go for shopping for my lectures tomorrow, I heard Y/N's apartment door open and she called my name out.

"V" she called. I felt a moment of relief that she is alright and safe in her apartment, as I was turning around, anxiety hit me of why I actually tried to find out if she was fine. Of course she would be fine if she just walked out on her own.

"V what is wrong with you, you pabo. You are the biggest pabo the world could ever see." I said, mentally slapping myself and stopping in my track from turning around, I started to walk again, trying to ignore her. 

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