But there are two wives who don't seem to understand this unspoken rule- Louise and Georgia- the women I share a bedroom with.

Georgia, the young and sweet blonde in her early twenties who somehow maintains the ability to smile warmly despite everything we go through. She's kind, almost painfully so.

But I've started to become fond of her. Just her.

Because then there's Louise. The loud-mouthed woman around my age, with unruly brown curls and a perpetual smirk on her face. Regardless of my continued refusal to speak, Louise persistently talks to me, making jokes, and attempting to coax me into conversation.

But I don't.

Unfortunately, Louise hasn't gotten the hint. She doesn't seem to understand that I don't want to befriend the woman who willingly throws herself at Negan. That was my first impression of her and since that, I can't stand the fact that she wants that monster.

The man who's ruined me.

- day one -

I'm trembling, trying desperately to control my fear by balling my fists tightly- so tight that my fingernails dig into the sensitive flesh of my palm.

Back in the woods, when Simon and his men stumbled upon me, I had no choice but to feign fear and vulnerability, knowing that standing up against all fifteen of them would be impossible.

I had hoped they would just move on- find whoever they were looking for- but no.

Before I knew it, they descended upon me, wrestling me into the mud, taking my weapons, and herding me into their truck. Simon took me personally in his truck, forcing me to come with him to this foreboding factory that now looms before me.

The fear they're seeing now is far from faked.

Simon, unrelenting in his grip on my upper arm, tugs me through the dim maze of this sprawling compound, my gut churning with every person who casts a look in my direction. Their looks shift between lifeless eyes or predatory glares that send shivers down my spine.

The sheer number of people here is staggering.

The dread becomes suffocating with every stumbling step after Simon as I realize just how much trouble I'm in. This is the largest group of people I've seen since before the turn, with at least 200 people here.

And nearly every single one of them is armed.

My shivering escalates into an uncontrollable tremor as Simon pulls me to a halt before two imposing double doors. There are guards on either side, both with automatic rifles strapped across their chests.

The guards' gazes turn to me, a queasy sensation flooding my stomach as their predatory eyes rake over my figure. Simon raps a distinctive knock on the double doors, making me flinch, looking away quickly from the two men.

With a gulp, I force my gaze downward, my mind racing to figure out how the hell I'm going to get out of this.

My panicked thoughts are interrupted by a distant voice, muffled through the doors, ordering Simon to come in.

So Simon pushes open the door, dragging me behind him. Stumbling in tow, I blink in bewilderment at the strange room we've entered.

To the right, is a wall of large paneled windows, painted over so that you can't see through, which cast an eerie white light across the room. In the center, are two leather couches facing each other with a coffee table between. Behind them, lays a black four-poster bed that, for some reason, sends uneasiness through me.

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