Game Over

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We had made it to the the end of the corridor with no more issues. There was a large set of stairs leading up into pitch darkness.

The fact it was so eerily quiet made my heart race. I wanted this to be over, I wanted my freedom away from the madman. I was bringing a new life into this world and I needed to ensure my child could have a better life than I did.

I spoke quietly as we ascended the stairs, " Kaz we'll end this tonight once and for all right? I don't want to be constantly looking over my shoulder,worrying about our safety. He needs to die Kaz, here and now. "

Kaz growled," He will, even if I need to bring his castle down on his head. I will tear this place brick by brick until he's found and dealt with. He's been breathing long enough and he's made the worst mistake of his miserable life by threatening you and our unborn child. "

Inej lightly grabbed my shoulder in solidarity before she slinked into the shadows ahead of us once more.

Wylan was breathing hard, his nerves getting the better of him. Jesper was watching our backs since we were vulnerable on the stairs.

I reached to take Wylan's hand giving him some small comfort.  It seemed to help because he was able to take easier breathes once again.

Kaz frowned at us but didn't say anything.  He was limping worse now and it was taking everything in me not to try to help him. I knew he wouldn't admit to it but he needed help.

He caught my eyes and his frown grew seeing the worry in my gaze. He muttered," I'm fine Amira. A few stairs won't kill me. So stop looking at me like that. Focus instead on the unknown threat in front of us please. "

I sighed, the man was stubborn, if he wanted to struggle than I'd leave him to it and instead give him some cover by getting ahead of him.

I let go of Wylan's hand after another gentle squeeze and I moved ahead of them all.

I was glad I had decided to move in front of them because I was able to notice the flash of a gun barrel aimed right for Kaz. My heart plummeted as I yelled, "Kaz move now!"

The loud explosion that followed made my ears ring.

The air filled with the smell of gunpowder and I didn't even have time to see if anyone got hit, because I lunged at the man holding the weapon, slashing viciously.  The man screamed as the metal of my blade tore into his flesh. 

I had sliced across his throat,the man desperately tried to stem the flood of his life blood as I had opened the artery. His blood sprayed over my face and I had to wipe my eyes to clear my vision. His gun clattered to the ground harmlessly. The bastard had no option but to free up his hands to try to pinch the gaping wound closed but it wouldn't make any difference, he was going to bleed out in a matter of moments. I had no sympathy for him as he watched me with pain and fear in his eyes.

"Fuck you. You signed your own death warrant by trying to kill the man I love. I have no mercy for you and you will die." I seethed as I knocked the man's knee out and he crumpled helplessly onto the ground.

"Please...I don't want to die.. help me. Please...." The man cried but he was beyond saving.  I watched his eyes flutter and the color fade from his skin. His blood soaked around him on the plush carpet. In a matter of moments his eyes closed and he lay quiet. I spat on his corpse and bent to wipe the blood from my blade on his shirt.

I heard a commotion behind me and realized Kaz and the others had watched what I'd done.

I saw Wylan retch and Jesper try to comfort him. I should feel guilty but I didn't.

Kaz meet my eyes as he ambled closer to me, careful not to step in the blood that was still slowly spreading around the body.

His eyes sparked. He was excited by my ruthlessness. Pride filled his expression as he grinned at me.
"I'm so glad you're on my side darling. I'd hate to be on the other end of your blade. "

"Kaz he could of killed you." I growled as the reality of how close it had been for me losing him. "Fuck!"

Kaz wrapped me into his arms instantly, knowing I was about to break down. "Shhh darling I'm here. I'm okay. I need you to pull yourself together. We're not out of danger just yet and I need you to focus. We're so close my love. "

Kaz was right of course I couldn't afford to have a melt down right now.  Pregnancy hormones were making this a literal nightmare for me.  I was never this emotional in a fight, especially one where the risk of dying was so much higher.  I took a few rallying breathes and looked back to Kaz. I nodded and he kissed me. I wanted nothing more than to get lost in him but that would have to come later.

Inej had rushed back to us hearing the gunshot. She quirked at brow at the body laying at our feet. She smiled at me and nodded at Kaz," There are two rooms at the end of this hall,both are locked. I think we've got Carlson cornered now. We have to use extra caution. A man that desperate is a dangerous adversary to face."

I growled, cracked my knuckles loosening my fingers,before tightening my grip on my blade.It was time to finish this.  We would win, I'd accept no other outcome.

Kaz watched the resolve fill me and he grinned, "Good, let's show him the error he's made in making enemies of the crows."

Kaz didn't wait as he walked purposely down the hall Inej had come from.He was dirty hands once more and he'd see this job done.

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