Kaz-The Girl

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Kaz muttered as he shut his bedroom door . Amira was fiery and he had to admit she intrigued him. She was witty and had a sharp tongue.

His ears were still tender from the tongue lashing she'd just dished out.

The scar she'd forced him to look at had been gruesome. How she had kept use of the arm was a miracle itself.

Facing the consequences of his brutality on her body had been unsettling. He hadn't realized just how badly he had cut the girl with his blade.

The details of that night were fuzzy in his mind. One thing that he certainly recalled was the pain he felt himself as his nose had been shattered.

For such a petite woman, Amira was a fierce fighter. Much like his own Wraith.

His heart skipped thinking of Inej.
He loved her. He had for a long time,cowardice kept him from telling her about his true feelings. Now he was bombarded with thoughts about the fiery red head he'd left in his room. Amira had seen through his bullshit. She had read him like a book and tossed her discoveries back in his face. It was why the anger came on so suddenly. He was disappointed to have lost his control. Kaz was also shamefully aroused by the beautiful girl in his room, having unintentionally found her way onto his crew.

Kaz had lied to her in his office the night prior. Jesper hadn't pleaded for his mercy at all. Jesper had in fact  been ready to shoot the thief himself.

Kaz had vetoed it, saying simply that he had a plan. In reality, Kaz just had not wanted to kill the girl. This realization rattled him because he had fought so hard for everything he had and mercy wasnt in his playbook when it came to anyone threatening his life or position.

He was now frustrated beyond reason. Amira's scent was all around him and he couldn't get the sound of her laugh out of his head.

With exception of Inej, Kaz prided himself in never letting anyone get passed his walls. It was unfathomable to him that the girl who'd faced him with fire in her eyes, head held high even as he'd threatened her, had awakened all sorts of uncomfortable feelings inside of him.

He knew he was in trouble now. He had to strengthen his resolve and keep Amira from his heart.

He really needed a cold bath, a stiff drink and some distance from her.

He nearly collided with Jesper being deep in his thoughts. Jesper as usual was in a chipper mood,he took it in stride and asked Kaz, " So boss, are you ever going to share your plan for that woman with the rest of us?"

Kaz bristled and didn't reply just pushed past Jesper moving towards the bar. He startled the poor serving girl as he barked out, " Whisky!"

Kaz frowned as he watched the serving girl nearly drop the glass she had been polishing. As she realized who had asked for the beverage, Kaz witnessed her visibly pale as she rushed to respond to his request." Yes sir, right away."

Kaz became aware when Jesper had caught up with him. Kaz sighed as Jesper crowded him and occupied the free bar stool beside where Kaz had settled to wait for his drink.

" Rough night Kaz?" Jesper asked him.

Kaz wasn't ready for the barrage of questions Jesper surely had in store for him. So he faced the man saying sternly," It is no concern of yours how my night went Jesper. Haven't I given you a task?"

Jesper chuckled twirling one of his prized pistols. " That is why I was coming to find you Kaz.I did what you asked and found out more about our thief. "

Kaz quirked a brow waiting for Jesper to continue. When Jesper didn't give him his report Kaz sighed. Jesper couldn't stay focused on a single task it seemed. Looking at him from his perifials he noticed Jesper was now chatting with one of the other bar maids.

His whiskey arrived then.Kaz nodded at the girl,whose hands shook as she set his drink in front of him. She  hurried to get away from him once she delivered the beverage. This was a consequence of the reputation he had built for himself. He had created a facade of himself appearing to be a cruel man, a violent one even. It served him well for most of his business in the barrel. Although situations like this one never sat well with him. He sighed knowing he had to simply accept things as they were.

Kaz took a grateful sip of the alcohol. It went down smoothly.He paid for the best to be served in his clubs afterall.

Kaz growled over at Jesper to get his attention once again," Stop that and finish your report, I have other business to attend to and I don't want you to disturb me with this later on. "

Jesper sighed and shooed the giggling girl away to turn back to face him.

He also much to Kaz's disapproval grabbed his drink and took a sip himself.

Kaz grumbled, " You know you can order your own drink and not mooch from mine. "

Jesper just grinned at him as he swallowed and Kaz was tempted to punch him in his smug mouth.

Jesper only finally registered just how ruffled Kaz really was. His eyes widened, a frown replacing his earlier smile. Jesper slid the nearly empty glass back over to Kaz and cleared his throat. " Jesus Kaz I didn't think anyone could ruffle your feathers. That tiny gal has done a number on you hasn't she? What did she say to you?"

Kaz wasn't going to repeat it, he muttered ," Jesper the report."

Jesper sighed shaking his head," Fine fine. Keep your secrets, I'll talk to her myself later. It turns out our slippery serpent isn't just a thief. She used to work in the brothels too. Apparently she was one of the best, she is particularly good at.."

Kaz interrupted him, " I don't want those details. Just tell me how much trouble am I in for by swiping her from the Serpents?"

Jesper was seemingly amused by  Kaz's discomfort.  He waggled his brows at Kaz as he continued," Suit yourself Kaz, I think you could use her talents for yourself," When Kaz started to protest again Jesper clarified," For the Crows I mean. It could come in handy."

Kaz growled again and Jesper continued on unfazed by Kaz's sour mood.

" The leader of the Serpents is a vindictive s.o.b.. Since Amira didn't return to them last night, the man has already put out a bounty for her. Paying a high price too. She seems to be quite valuable to their operation. Word on the street is he doesn't care about the condition she's returned as long as she's breathing. Turns out they've also found out she's been here Kaz. I think this guy isn't afraid to go to war with us to get his property back."

" That would be bad for his health Jesper. Gather the other's and we'll meet in my office within the hour." Kaz gritted out as he finished the last of his drink.

As he went to go Jesper stalled him asking him seriously," Kaz, why are we ready to war with another crew over this woman? We don't owe her any loyalty.I'm still shocked she's breathing and even more surprised you gave up your comfy bed."

Kaz took a few calming breathes, he didn't have an answer to give so he decided to deflect and said simply," Why do you still flirt with our staff when you have Wylan in your own bed?"

Jesper sputtered, " I wasn't flirting. You won't tell Wylan that would you?"

Kaz met Jesper's worried eyes as he said, " Dont give me a reason to. "

Jesper put his hands up in surrender as he said,"Fine I'll stop questioning you about Amira even though this is very unlike you. As you're the boss, I'll follow your lead.  I trust you know what you're doing as far as she's concerned. "

Kaz didn't bother replying. He slid carefully from the stool supporting the weight of his bad leg with his cane.

Kaz didn't have a plan per say and he realized he needed to figure something out soon.  While he knew he didn't want to start a war with another crew, he wasn't giving her back. He just hoped that decision wouldn't backfire.

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