Kaz-Misery and Mistakes

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Kaz forced himself to leave Amira in the room. She was easily becoming an obsession and he needed to clear his head of thoughts of her sweet lips,the sound of her pleasure as he kissed and tasted her lips before he went mad.

He was painfully aroused and he winced as the tight fabric of his pants rubbed against his erection, making him grit his teeth.

He was starting to think he'd need to actually touch himself to get any sort of relief.

He was glad that he was sitting behind his desk so no one noticed his current affliction.

One of the dregs was speaking to him about some shipping complication at the harbour and he was only half paying attention.

When the man standing in front of his desk frowned at him Kaz sighed and asked him to repeat himself.

It didn't bode well for him running his empire this way. He needed to be on top of his game. This work required cunning and being quick to adapt to sudden changes and staying a few steps ahead of the competition.

He had found he was struggling to get through his scheduled meetings and he lacked focus to work on his books.

He was going to need to stop working and wait until he could actually pay attention with the important numbers. He would not make any mistakes vital to his operation.

He was toying with his fountain pen when Inej came into the office.

She frowned at him and he found himself crossing his legs to hide his current problem from her intuitive gaze.

" Hello Inej." Kaz said softly struck by the memory of saying that so often

Inej smirked at him as she settled herself in her usual spot on his windowsill. He felt his heart thundering at the familiarity of it all. They had had many years sitting in comfortable silence like this with her and he realized just how badly he was missing it.

She glanced at the mess of papers on his desk and frowned at him before asking him softly," What's wrong Kaz? It isn't like you to not have your head buried in your ledgers at this time. "

Kaz sighed as he sat back further in his chair glancing over to her," I cannot focus. I'm ashamed to admit my thoughts right now have only been for Amira. What is wrong with me?"

Inej smiled warmly as she answered him," It's called love Kaz.I've had many days spent the same way."

Kaz started to apologize again but she shook her head at him as she continued, "No Kaz don't mistake my meaning.I'm trying to say simply I can relate. I am happy for you both truly,Amira is a beautiful woman and a good match for you."

Kaz felt himself smiling as he said softly," She is Inej. I am sorry that things have changed so much between us. I need you to know I still wish for you to remain in my life. I realize this is selfish of me to ask of you considering everything I have done. Things are not the same without you here. I would certainly understand if you have other plans."

Inej closed her eyes and sighed before she replied," Kaz I will not be going  anywhere while that monster still breathes. He almost killed our Nina."

Kaz nodded trying not to let his relief show.

Inej narrowed her eyes on him, " Do you have a plan to deal with him? Have you asked anyone to find out where Carlson's been staying?"

It was Kaz's turn to frown at her as he said," I may be a bit distracted but I am still me Inej. While I'd have loved to have had you do the surveillance, I had the men out gathering vital information. I know where the prick is staying. The issue is he is heavily guarded. Even you would not be able to get past the manpower Carlson has around him right now. Amira is correct that the bastard is paranoid. Our assault on his last location has only made it worse I fear. I've send a request to speak with him but I haven't had any response back as yet."

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