Kaz-The Deal Is The Deal

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Kaz shifted his papers over and lifted Amira up from his lap to settle her onto the edge of his desk. He ignored the ache that jolted through his damaged leg as he had lifted her and moved to stand between her parted thighs. He leaned his bigger body into hers. Hands roaming over her curves before settling on her outter thighs, his gloved fingers pressed into her. He enjoyed the desperate sounds she made at the back of her throat as he took his time savoring her mouth.

Kaz was struck with an animalistic need to claim her fully. His erection pulsed in his tight pants, it was nearly painful being so tightly constrained but he refused to hurry them. He wanted these private moments with her all to himself. He was being selfish he realized. They had other business that was certainly more important but he craved her like nothing else in his life.

If Carlson needed evidence of Kaz's claim on Amira he'd mark her skin with his teeth and erase any doubt about who she'd chosen to be with.

He hated the way her voice had shaken as she had voiced her concerns for his safety and that of his Crows. The fact her ex boss had her so afraid raised his hackles. He wanted to assure her that they would survive this but he couldn't give her that promise. He knew it was a cruelty to give false hope.

Speaking of hope,Kaz had hope for  having Inej's steady blade for their fight ahead. He had been so used to having her at his back and trusting her to ensure he didn't end up dead. He had very likely shattered both their professional and personal relationship beyond repair. This thought hurt him deeply. After he had woken up that first night after her attack he had had his men out looking for Ienj. He knew if she didn't want to be found she wouldn't be. Even still he had been desperate to try to reach her. She needed to know he had never wanted to hurt her and that he was miserable about it.

He had ended up leaving Inej a personalized message in one of their safe houses he knew she would frequent. When he had gone to check the location in the early morning hours the next day,he had been relieved to find his note was gone. In it's place she'd left a curt response for him. Each word Inej had scrawled on that parchment had cut deep. She had essentially told him he was dead to her now and to not try to reach out to her again. She would come to him only on her terms.

He had hastily wrote back a quick reply with shaking hands saying simply." I'm sorry." He had left and hadn't bothered to return to see if she had bothered to come back for his message. That same night had been the first time he had let himself cry since he had been a young boy.

He shook himself trying to refocus on the woman in his arms. He owed her his full attention and he would give it to her. He could not afford to live in the past any further when his future was looking at him with those deep ocean eyes. Her cheeks were flushed and her red hair was a wild mess trailing down her shoulders. She was panting so prettily and he wanted to lay her back on his desk and spend hours enjoying her body.  He wanted her moans ringing in his ears and her nails in his back.

" I want you Amira. I want you fully and completely. Let me worship you tonight and we can kill Carlson tomorrow." Kaz said softly

He groaned when she ran a hand over him through his pants.

She grinned up at him and started slowly unbuttoning his shirt he lent her as she said " I like that plan very much. "

He grabbed her wrists stilling her and he took over for her. She was content to let him since this freed her hands to tug his own shirt from his pants. She slid her warm hands under his shirt to slide up his abs making his muscles bunch under her touch. She then used her nails to lightly graze down his stomach and he groaned at the intensity of the sensation. Having had so little contact from another person this was nearing being over stimulation.

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