The Deepest Cut

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TW: Blood, violence, talk of sexual abuse


I couldn't seem to get away from him fast enough. What the hell had I even been thinking.

I chalked it up to temporary insanity. The man is absolutely hazardous to my well being.

I had been so full of confidence that I had every advantage over him and in an instant I was lost for him. Was he part Grisha? He had to have some power to influence the mind right?.

I have been around many men. Many even more beautiful than Kaz but none have had such an instant effect on me the way he does.

The second he had pulled me onto his lap I knew our power dynamic had shifted and it hadn't been in my favor either.

I rubbed my kiss swollen lips irriated that I still wanted more.

He had been so gentle with me something I hadn't expected from him.

He had left me aching in a way I haven't felt from a man in a very long time.

Why did the asshole have to get in his head and say such stupid shit. I guess I should be glad he had since I don't think I would have stopped him going even further than just kissing.

I was satisfied that I'd punched his stupidly beautiful face even as my knuckles on my left hand now ached.

I made my way over to the bar and asked the barmaid for something strong.

I noticed Jesper and Wylan watching me from a corner booth. I didn't have it in me to engage with them right now. I refused to meet their stares. I admit that I wasn't sure I could hide what I was feeling from them if they happened to pry.

My drink arrived quickly. I was relieved to have an excuse for ignoring everyone as I sipped the booze.

My peace ended as I sensed that Kaz settled himself onto a stool a few seats down from mine. I didn't look over at him. He had some nerve to even be near me right now.

I heard the barmaid who had served me earlier gasp and I couldn't stop myself from glancing over at them.

Kaz's lip was swollen and bruises had formed on his chin and across part of his jaw. The barmaid was wrapping some ice in a cloth for him. I smirked into my drink as he started icing his face.

I found myself making more glances in his direction. He seemed absolutely miserable at the moment. Jesper had tried to talk to him but he shooed him away. I wanted to say something but I remained quiet. Kaz was the one in the wrong not me and he needed to be the one to make up for it.

Kaz finally glanced back at me. His eyes seemingly begging me to speak to him. I wasn't about to let him off the hook so easily.

I noticed his eyes widen slightly and I felt another presence behind me. I instinctly leapt from the stool and whirled to face whoever had easily crept up on me. I was disappointed I had managed letting anyone get so close to me like that. It was a certain way to end up dead. I was never this unfocused or careless about my safety.

I faced Inej wiping any emotion from my face. She wasn't hiding her emotions from me. She let me see her anger. I wasn't sure what her next move would be. I slipped my dagger from my boot and gripped it firmly. I rested the blade at my thigh readying myself to respond to any threat from her.

" What did you do to his face?" She growled at me

I knew that Kaz had moved from his seat because I sensed he was now standing at my side trying to get Inej's attention on himself but she didn't look away from me.

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