Nightmares And Dreams

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I had cried myself to sleep the first few nights but no more tears would come. Instead I was assaulted with  nightmares of fire and blood, of losing my new family forever. Large hands grabbing me and pain,so much pain.

It would wake me up in a cold sweat, nausea riding me in waves.

It was on the third morning of feeling the same that I knew I was pregnant. Fear for the new life growing inside me had me praying harder than I'd ever prayed before.

Carlson would visit me once a day to gloat I guessed. He hadn't commented on my swollen eyes from crying myself to sleep for many nights or my pallid skin. He didn't seem to care what condition I was in only that I was with him again.

Carlson only noticed something was wrong with me when I threw up over his polished boots. He had backhanded me for it and had forced me to my knees to clean my mess but he had summoned for a healer afterwards.

I had to beg the healer to not disclose my condition to Carlson. The woman had taken pity on me and slipped me something for the nausea. She had left me with the promise of keeping my real condition a secret between us.

I knew that my condition could only be hidden for so long. Soon I would show and I needed to get us out of here. I had no idea how to accomplish that yet and it was something keeping me awake till the late hours when only exhaustion finally lulled into into sleep.

I finally decided to try to pretend to want to be back in Carlson's good graces, I needed to convince him that I had learned the error of my ways and I wanted to be with him once more. I nearly gagged as I said the words to the man when he came to visit me next.

His eyes had widened slightly and a disturbing smile appeared on his face.  He seemingly enjoyed my placating words. He asked me to kiss him and I felt my stomach sink. If I couldn't convince him he would never let me out of my cage.  Even if it was difficult to face the man again, I moved over to stand in front of him. I pasted a fake coy smile on my own face hoping he couldn't hear the way my heart raced.

I pretended to be shy lowering my face so he couldn't see my struggle with being near him. I knew he enjoyed being dominant and it turned him on to think he was in control. As I knew his moods and how violet he could become,I'd let him think what ever he wanted if it bought me freedom from my cage. I couldn't escape from him if I continued to stay locked up.

He growled at me," Finally learning your place? You finally understand that I am your master. Look at me Amira I want you to see how much you please me. "

I forced myself to wipe the expression from my face as I slowly looked up at the man. He grinned wider, but his smile wasn't kind. The look in his eyes as he looked at me had me fighting the urge to run in the opposite direction. I watched Carlson stroke himself over his tailored pants. I prayed I could stay strong enough to endure this.

I swallowed the bile that filled my mouth again, struggling to breathe.  The man before me was a monster. I had to ensure he never touched me, I had to find a way to finally kill him.  I concentrated on breathing in and out in and out. I counted silently in my head combatting the pure terror filling my body as his cruel dark eyes roved over my body.

He was undressing me with his eyes and I fought not to tremble. I couldn't let him know how badly he was affecting me.

"Well Amira I'm waiting and I'm not a patient man." He growled at me again.

I took a calming breathe and leaned into him. His strong arms banded around me trapping me against his big body and I fought the panic that coursed through me.

He roughly kissed me and he smothered me making it difficult to catch my breathe.

The panic set in and I couldn't stop myself from trying to push against him. My arms quivered as I push unto his broad chest. He chuckled and only tightened his embrace. I felt myself getting light headed. Black dots dancing in my vision. My lungs ached and my heart pounded in my chest.

I did the only thing I could I bit him and I bit him hard enough to draw blood. The copper taste filled my mouth.

He yelled and loosened his hold on me. He glared at me as he fingers his swollen lower lip. Smearing his blood across his mouth.

I was panting hard, taking in much needed air. As he had released me I instantly moved out of range and kept my eyes on him unsure what reaction to expect.

He narrowed his eyes at me, but he didn't try to grab me.

" Amira you're lucky I want you. But if you try that again I will kill you. "

I was exhausted and afraid of him but I was also done with the threats. Anger welled within me and I yelled back, " Fuck you Carlson you were suffocating me what did you expect. I'm not going to just let you make me pass out. Why are you playing these fucking games with me. Do you want me to hate you or do you want me on your side? Grow the fuck up and knock of these childish games. I want to shower and I want some fresh air. Let me out of here.  I'm not going anywhere you don't need to cage me like some kind of animal."

Carlson's left brow rose as he let me rage at him.

I didn't know what to expect from him but the grin he gave me wasn't it.

" You do smell awful and I'd like to see you in different clothes. I'll let you out for now but if you displease me you'll end up in an even worse place than this, you understand me?" Carlson asked as he rose to his feet.

I glared at him refusing to acknowledge the implied threat.

He laughed at my expression and motioned for me to follow him.  I didn't hesitate I left the room, glad to be free of the confines of the tiny room, even if I knew I wasn't yet truly safe.

I took my time to examine the layout as I followed behind Carlson,trying to see where I was being held, but I didn't recognize the place at all much to my dismay.

I saw a bunch of men as we moved along. They were the hired muscle Carlson had acquired. They leered at me as I walked by and I did my best to ignore it.

Carlson opened a door at the end of a long hallway and waited for me to step inside. I kept him in my line if sight as I entered the spacious room.

He pointed at another door on the left of the room as he said, " You can clean up in there.  I'll have some clothing left out for you.  I want you to join me for a meal tonight, be ready in an hour I won't be kept waiting. "

" Sure Carlson whatever you want." I said stonily as moved towards the door he'd pointed to. I stepped inside and waited until I heard him leave. I ran back out to the main door and tested it.  Of course he'd locked this one too . I'd been moved one from one cage to a more luxurious one,but a cage was still a cage no matter what it looked like inside.

I might as well clean up and try to relax for a bit.  I'd figure the rest out later.

I had opted to shower instead of soak in the bath because I didn't trust that Carlson wouldn't come barging in at any moment and I wanted to clean and get myself clothed again so I could face the next problem I had which was finding a way to get myself free.

Carlson had somehow managed to get clothes arranged for me and I was disturbed that I hadn't even heard anyone entering the room while I had been in the shower.

I shivered at the idea they had access to me without me being aware of it.  I needed to be extra careful from now on.

I quickly patted myself dry and tugged on the dress that had been left out for me. I hated being in a dress but at least it was a more modest piece, certainly not something I expected Carlson would approve of. It was black silk, and it was tailored well.  I had to struggle a little to get it smoothed over my hips but I was relieved that it fit.

I paced the room after dressing struggling with the fact that Kaz and the others had not found us yet. It meant Carlson was being extra cautious and had hidden me away somewhere that even Kaz's spies couldn't infiltrate. I couldn't wait on the chance of them finding me. I couldn't afford to put myself in any further danger. Especially when I had more than my own life to consider. I would save myself ,save my dream and my future. First I'd have to get through dinner with Carlson.

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