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I slowed my pace when I was down the hall from the office.

I had been so furious with both Kaz and Inej's lack of faith in Saxton's chance at a better life. That I had stubbornly blocked out Kaz's words.

I started replaying them in my head with each step I took. I knew he was right of course and I wanted to rage at how cruel life was.

I should probably apologize to them both but my pride refused to let me turn around and go back to the office.

I found Saxton and Diana sitting in a booth playing some card game. I went over to them and Saxton got up immediately giving me a big hug. My heart ached for the sweet boy,knowing I would likely not succeed in saving him from the same fate many youths experienced in this city.

Diana's cheek was bandaged and she was still a little pale but she gave me a smile.

" How are you both? Did you get some sleep last night?" I asked them

" Amira this place is so cool. Jesper let me hold his pistol, he said if I worked hard I could have one of my own. Isn't that awesome?" Saxton exclaimed excitement shining on his small face.

I didn't want him to need any weapons but I needed to start being realistic with my expectations.

I said to him seriously," A gun isn't a toy Saxton you can seriously hurt or kill someone. It is a tool and it needs to be handled carefully and you are still to young for that. I  did want to ask you something though."

I hated seeing the boy look sad but the benefit of youth was the ability to bounce back from disappointment rather quickly. He asked me happily, " What is it Amira?"

" Would you like to have a teacher of your own? Did you want to learn your letters and how to read better?" I asked him

I saw his eyes widen in excitement and I knew the answer," I can have that, really Amira?" He asked anxiously

I ruffled his blonde hair affectionately as I gave him a bright smile," I will make it so."

He hugged me again and I felt an ache of longing inside me. It had my mind racing and thinking about a possible future of holding my own child one day,Kaz's child.

Diana smiled over at us and she seemed to realize what I was mentally struggling with because she placed her hands in mine and said softly," It will happen one day soon Amira. "

I shook myself and glanced at her. She was looking at me strangely
" What? What do you mean Diana?"

She glanced down at my stomach briefly before looking back at me with a serene look on her face.It startled me as she seemed so much older than I knew she was.

I put a hand on my flat stomach and felt the hair on my arms rise as a sudden chill spread through my body.
What the hell was happening to me?

Diana had never talked about her family or her past. I kept going over the interactions we had had over the years. Diana had always been very intuitive and seemed to have foresight of things that had yet to happen.

I recalled a conversation we had had one night after I had been carried up to my bed from the beating I had been given for being too outspoken.

Diana had been tasked with nursing my wounds and I recalled her telling me I'd be free soon, that I would fly away from there. I had thought then that she was just trying to comfort me but had she known I would meet the crows and end up staying with them?

" Diana did you know?" I asked her needing to know for my own sanity.

She smiled widely at me and nodded before she sauntered away from me without another word. I was too stunned to speak up again and stall her. When I finally gathered myself enough to glance in the direction she had walked, she was no where in sight.

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