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I woke up with a start, reaching instantly for the knife id stashed under my pillow.

I was alone and the room was dark. I wasn't entirely sure what had woken me from sleep but something was certainly off. It was eerily quiet and it made my heart race.

I leapt from the bed knife in hand and carefully made my way over to the door not bothering to find any light source.  I had mapped the room earlier and I knew it was a clear path from the bed to the doorway.

At the door I paused listening for any sound outside but they wasn't any.

I tested the knob and to my surprise it turned. I didn't trust this at all.  Where were the guards? Where was Carlson?

I was glad I had memorized the pathway from the room down to the main foyer because I needed to be careful, I had no clue where anyone had disappeared to tonight and I couldn't risk being caught sneaking out of here.

I shut the bedroom door silently behind me and started inching my way down the hallway. It was so quiet I could hear my anxious breathing.

I saw light spilling from under a door at the end of the hall and I made sure to be extra quiet as I moved closer to it.

My heart raced and I fought to calm my breathing.  My knuckles were turning white from how hard I was gripping the knife.

I stilled just outside the room and listened at the door.  I heard muffled voices on the other side but I couldn't make out what was being said from out here. I decided it wasn't worthwhile to try to stay and listen as I needed to get myself down to the main floor and find the way back outside.

I moved past the room and all the way to the top of the main stairs. I waited a moment to listen for any disturbance below. I would be entirely exposed once I started down the stairs and the idea of that made me even more anxious. I kept my back to the wall that lined the stairs and slowly decended.

At the bottom I darted across the foyer to the main door. I started to unlock it but I heard footsteps coming up from the other hallway. I moved myself away from the door and crouched down behind the grandfather clock keeping myself obscured in shadow.

I watched from my hiding spot as two guards moved up to the door. The one on the left checked the lock on the door and when they ensured the door was secure the two men moved back down the hallway they'd come from.

I waited a few moments more before I moved away from my hiding place and crept back to the door. I started unlocking it when I heard a deep male voice say," I suggest you back away from there woman."

I whirled to see the shadowed outline of Carlson standing in the entrance to the dinning room off in the right of the main door.

I watched him come closer. I didn't have anywhere to run, I was trapped.

I snarled at him," Just let me go. It'll save you a world of hell that is coming to you. Kaz and the Crows are on their way to rescue me. You're not going to win this time Carlson. I'll never be yours just understand that. "

He chuckled and it made my skin crawl. He wasn't acting like a man admitting defeat.  He was too bloody calm and it had me doubting myself.  Had I put faith in the wrong person? Had Delton even gone to Kaz at all? Was help coming or was I actually on my own?

No I had to stop doubting, I had to believe Delton had gotten word to Kaz and the others and I just needed to buy myself time. I had to be smart and I had to keep Carlson in my sight.

Carlson stopped advancing towards me, he stood just a few feet away and he took notice of the knife in my hand.  He smirked at me as he said, " You are mine and no one is going to be able to save you.  You should be the smart woman I know you to be and put the knife down, you don't want to hurt yourself do you?"

Touch of FireМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя