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My head throbbed. I knew that my cheek and eye socket were badly bruised. Thankfully nothing had been broken. My left eye was swollen but I was still able to see from both eyes, I was glad to realize my vision hadn't been impaired.

I remained quiet as I looked around. I wasn't sure if I had been left alone in the room and I didn't want to alert anyone that I was conscious now.

It was in a small room. There wasn't any other furniture in the room aside from a small table. On the table was a pitcher of water.

I breathed a sigh of relief to realize I was alone. I rolled to my side and then slowly started to sit up, riding through the wave of nausea that crashed through me.

"Fuck." I groaned shutting my eyes and taking deep breathes to settle my stomach.

I reached for the pitcher and poured myself a glass of water. I sipped it slowly. Waiting for the pounding in my head to lessen so I could think.

Where had they taken Nina? Was she being attended to? She had hit her head when she had been thrown against the wall. I was worried for her but I needed to focus on getting myself out of here too and staying alive.

I didn't have any of my weapons so it would be more difficult to defend myself now. I would need to rely on my wit and my knowledge of Carlson's weaknesses.

When I felt I could stand without falling over I moved silently over to the door, testing the knob. Unsurprisingly it was locked.

I went over to the small window and tested the latch, the window was fused shut.

I was dismayed to realize I was trapped until they decided to let me out.

I decided to test my luck and pound on the door. The noise made my head ache but I endured it as incessantly knocked until someone responded.

It didn't take too long before I heard grumbling from the other side of the door.

" Knock that off bitch. Or you're going to be knocked out again." The voice was familiar. It was the man I'd kicked in his groin in the alley. The one who Carlson had ordered to grab Nina.

" I've already put you on your knees don't try me asshole." I seethed as I waited for him to open the door.

I took a few steps back ready to attack him if he tried anything.

The man wasn't as foolish as I thought, because he opened the door and stood still glaring hatred at me.

" What do you want cunt? You are not going to leave here so why are you wasting both of our time?" He seethed.

" Where is the other woman? Is she okay? Where is Carlson?" I fired questions at him hoping he'd answer my questions despite his hostility towards me.

" Why do you even care? Shouldn't you be worried about your own ass. I'm not Carlson's keeper,he just pays me to do a job. That's the only reason I'm still here. Trust me there are a million places I'd rather be than guarding you."

I decided to switch tactics. I ran my hands down his chest hiding my revoltion as his eyes sparked with lust at me. " You're a strong man, I'm sure you have lots of females vying for your attention, maybe you would like to keep me company?"

I knew the moment he decided he would try to simply take what wasn't being offered. He grabbed at me and I shifted myself out of his reach and I swung hard at his temple. He wasn't fast enough to dodge the blow and he stumbled. I continued my assault viciously striking him in the soft tissue of his ribs and when I kicked out his right knee, I watched in satisfaction as his knee popped out of it's socket and he crumpled screaming in pain.

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