For The Future

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The healer Kaz had summoned had set my rib and I was laying in Kaz's big bed to relax.

He was pacing and worrying over me like a mother hen. It was honestly endearing.

"Kaz I'm fine, come sit down would you,your hovering is stressing me out." I said to him affectionately

He snorted but he came over and sat by my side on the edge of the bed.

" Can you explain to me how exactly Inej was able to crack your rib?" Kaz asked me looking at me expectantly

" I didn't block it because I got in my head and it was a mistake I won't make again." I answered Kaz honestly

Kaz narrowed his eyes at me as he responded," What had you so distracted? If you're not up for what I need to ask of you then please tell me. I won't risk your life or the safety of my crew.We cannot afford any mistakes Amira."

I sighed," I know that Kaz I am ready I promise." When Kaz's frown only deepened I rushed to finish," I want this just as badly if not more than you do. I will see this through."

He nodded, leaned over to gently kiss my forehead before saying softly," I won't lose you,you understand. Even if I need to drag you from the other side,taking you from the reaper's hands himself I will."

I smiled up at him warmly, " Kaz I'll be fine. I'm not going to be parted from you anytime soon.I'll fight with everything I have to ensure we have our future. "

Kaz grinned ferociously at me as he said seriously, " I'll carve the way to that future for us both. "

I reached up to cup his cheek affectionately. " I will certainly enjoy watching that."

I was quiet a moment thinking before I asked Kaz,"Do you think Carlson is going to take the bait?I get he has this sick obsession with me but he also  values his own life more than anyone else.  "

Kaz frowned as he answered me," We have to hope he will.  I don't imagine he would deny the chance to have you back despite the risk involved. I do anticipate he'll have people laying in wait to ambush us and I've made contingencies for it too. I trust my plan. I've been in this game long enough to always come out on top."

I believed completely in Kaz's abilities to face whatever enemy came for us next. There would always be a new enemy to fight . I came to the harsh realization long ago that my life would never be like what I'd dreamed about when I was young. I would make the most from what I was given.

Facing Carlson again would be difficult for me but I needed to see the man die to know peace again. The potential of having a life growing inside me also filled me with fierce determination to ensure the safety of  my unborn child.

Kaz was watching me in my musing and I gave him another small smile. He returned it with one of his own.

He reached for my hands and he squeezed them in his own as he told me," I want you to be my wife Amira."

I sputtered as I never expected to hear him say those words to me. " What? Kaz are you being serious right now?"  I asked him my insecurity flaring.

He groaned before he continued," Why is the idea that I want you to marry me such a surprise?Why would I make a joke about that? Do you not want to marry me?"

As I watched him frown I had to fight a bout of giggles. I pulled him into me and kissed him. His eyes widened slightly but he eagerly accepted my kiss.

When I ended the kiss we were both panting. I met his intense gaze and said softly," Kaz of course I want to marry you, I just never expected to hear you say those words. I was ready to simply be at your side without any titles. I have already made my claim on you and you already have my heart. This is beyond my expectations and I will be honored to be your wife."

Kaz gave me a dazzling smile which made my heart sing. In this moment I was graced to see another side of him.  This Kaz was someone who might have been if he never had trauma and hardship in his early life. He didn't realize just how special a gift he gave me,letting me see him without his mask.

" So that's a yes then Amira?" Kaz asked me with a playful smirk

I laughed at him as I replied," Yes Kaz yes it is."

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