The Game

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After I had taken a few deep breathes to calm myself back down I figured I'd best get dressed. I had pilfered some things from Kaz's meticulously organized drawers. I decided I'd fuck with him a little and hid half of the pairs of his socks into another drawer. I chuckled to myself as I shimmied  into a pair of silk dress pants. The material felt amazing brushing against my bare skin. I'd give it to the man, he knew quality. I was grateful to have also found a belt in one of the drawers. His pants were loose on my smaller frame.

I had to roll the hems several times so I didn't trip over the extra fabric. The man had much longer legs than me.I was practically swimming in his clothes.

I had wanted to be in my own things but to my dismay my clothing from last night was no longer piled in the bathroom.  I assume Kaz had had them sent for laundering.

I buttoned up a black silk shirt.The shirt tight across my chest but I didn't have much choice. I shoved the shirt tails into the slacks,fastened the pants and looped the belt tight making sure the pants stayed up on my hips.

I released a grateful sigh noticing that at least my knee high black leather boots had remained at the door. I grabbed them and moved to seat myself in one of Kaz's leather chairs. I decided to tuck the pant legs into my boots to not worry about tripping over the extra material. I laced up the boots and moved myself over to the vanity.

I popped the top off of one of the perfume bottles Kaz had gathered. I was delighted by the unique blend of vanilla, sandalwood and cinnamon. I dabbed some onto my wrists and on the sides of my neck.

I then picked up the silver brush and  worked it though the tangles of my long red locks. After several strokes through the hair I was satisfied that I had smoothed my mane enough so I could rebraid my hair and make myself presentable.

I smirked at my reflection. I admittedly looked great in his dark clothes. The silk material clung to my curves in all the right places. The dark shade made my blue eyes seem even brighter. I looked every bit like one of the crows in this getup. I just hoped it would drive Kaz crazy seeing me in his clothes.

I went back over to the tray of berries and popped another in my mouth savoring the experience.

I then shoved my blade into the sheath inside my left boot before I vacated Kaz's suite.

It was quiet now in the hall. I was somewhat disappointed that Kaz hadn't decided to put a guard on me. I wasn't sure how to take it that he was letting me move so freely around.

The man wasn't careless so I figured I shouldn't try my luck. I shoved my hands into the deep pockets of Kaz's tailored pants and whistled a cheerful tune making my way back across the barroom and up the stairs Kaz had come down the night prior.

At the upper landing Jesper and Wylan were waiting for me.

Wylan smiled at me, he seemed like a sweet man.  Jesper took his time inspecting me. He seemingly was enjoying what he saw. I smirked as I met his gaze.

" Morning fellas." I said to them cheerfully.

" Morning Amira." Wylan replied softly.

Jesper just glared at me. Which made Wylan frown at him. I shrugged at Wylan and went to go past them both but Jesper threw out a hand blocking my path.

" I know what you are and I'm not going to let you get to him. " he whispered at my ear

I quirked a brow feigning surprise, " I don't have the slightest idea what you mean, but Kaz is expecting me and I don't think we should keep him waiting now should we Jesper."

Jesper grunted at me but fell into step beside me with Wylan taking up the other side.

The three of us moved the rest of the way to Kaz's office in an amicable silence.

Wylan seemed nervous and was fidgeting alot,enough so that Jesper moved me over and took up Wylan's  hand in his own. This seemingly calmed him back down.

It was sweet watching how they interacted but I couldn't let myself get distracted. I had to be on my game around Kaz.

Jesper reached the door first and ushered Wylan inside ahead of him. Jesper remained at the door and waited for me to enter the office next.

I smiled at him as I moved past. He didn't return my smile.

I was on edge as I moved myself further into the room. I kept my back to the wall to keep a clear line of sight of the doorway and everyone inside the room.

Kaz had immediately focused on me the moment I had entered his office. I didn't acknowledge him though as I took a few moments to map out the rest of the room and took notice of the other occupants in his office.

The Wraith was perched on the windowsill sharpening a dagger. She frowned when she saw me and it only deepened when she glanced at Kaz.

I felt for her.I understood she wasn't my friend and I couldn’t trust that she wouldn't still slit my throat given the opportunity.

The other woman in the room, who I gathered was Nina watched me silently. I understood she was listening to my heartbeat and I knew she was curious about me.

I saw her eyes widen slightly taking in my outfit. I also didn't miss the smile that spread across her beautiful face as she glanced quickly between Kaz and I.

So was she hearing a change in Kaz's heart rate too then.  I smirked as I settled myself against the far wall. I made sure to arch my back slightly pushing out my chest more and I crossed my arms under my breasts causing the silk to press into my chest. When I finally looked at Kaz I was delighted to see he couldn't seem take his eyes off me.

Game on Mr. Brekker. We'll see how long you can last.

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