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I tucked our sweet little girl, Jordia into her crib.  I settled in the rocking chair Kaz had bought for the nursery and watched my daughter sleep peacefully. I felt myself tearing up.  I never expected to have this life. I have been blessed and I would never take it for granted. I knew just how special this all was. 

I heard Kaz coming silently into the room.  I looked up at my husband giving him a warm smile.

He returned it with one of his own, it was so nice seeing him smile so freely these days. He had healed alot and our family gave him a peace that I know he never imagined he'd have either.

He came over to me in the chair and bent to kiss me.  He frowned noticing my tears. He knelt himself down in front of me capturing my face in his large beautiful hands. He had removed his gloves earlier in the evening and hadn't bothered putting them back on.

It had been a huge step for him. He had told me when he had first started doing it that our daughter deserved to know the touch of both her parents.

Our daughter was a balm to both our troubled souls. She was a light in our lives I'd fight to never see dim. I know that Kaz felt the same.

Kaz asked me gently, " What's the matter darling?"

He used the pads of his thumbs to wipe the tears from my cheeks as he waited patiently for me to answer him.

I met his concerned expression as I said softly," I was just thinking about everything we went through to get here Kaz, thinking about how close I was to losing it all. I never imagined I'd have this life. I'm so so happy."

Kaz grinned as he took in my words," So these are happy tears then? "

He saw me nod and his smile widened more as he continued," I know exactly what you mean.  I didn't ever expect this.  You have blessed me more than I can ever say. We have a perfect little girl and I cannot wait to give her everything when she's grown."

I fought my laughter at his scheming face. I reached out and patted his cheek affectionately. "Kaz she'll want more than this place. She deserves to see the rest of the world, since we never had that chance.  I want her to dream and hope and find her place in the world beyond Ketterdam. If she decides to return to us then of course she'll have a place with us."

Kaz sighed knowing that I was right. He'd give his daughter anything she asked for.  She had him wrapped around her finger and it made my heart swell.

He ran a hand through his dark hair as he leaned over the crib watching our daughter sleep.

" She's perfect. You have made me the luckiest man in the world." I watched Kaz gently brush a stray curl from our daughter's forehead.

He came over to me again and settled himself back on his knees infront of me. He wrapped his arms around me and laid his head on my lap briefly before he looked up at me with hunger in his beautiful eyes. It had my heart racing.

"How about we try for a son?" Kaz grinned as my cheeks flushed at his suggestion.

I was only able to nod, my words failing me suddenly.

He got up from his knees and pulled me up gently from my seat. We moved silently from the nursery holding hands.

I grinned up at the man I loved, truly looking forward to the future and all the adventures yet to come.

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