"That was only me." Taehyung says, keeping his head down as Yoongi agreed with him.

"4 years Taehyung? Really?" Yoongi ask, looking at Taehyung and Taehyung nod his head.

"Well really 5 years because we met when I was 13." Jimin says, pointing to in between him and Jungkook.

"Five?" Jungkook ask kinda confused.

"We met before your 18 birthday. August 25th. Jimin says, looking at Jungkook and Jungkook left out a "ohh." Nodding his head.

"Taehyung. Five fucking years and you haven't barley talked to him? Why did you not tell me? I can tell you Jungkook is a good guy. He takes care of his people, he makes sure they are okay, they are comfortable, they feed and got to take a shower with a nice bed to lay on at night. And I am not saying this just because he is right there because I would say it behind his back because I trust him." Yoongi says as he looked at Taehyung as Jungkook couldn't help but to smile a little.

"And I understand that you don't like me because of my job but I keep my job private because I want it that way. I don't want people to worry what I do or what happened at work because I don't like putting that on people's minds. I want them to focus on themselves and don't worry about me as I am good at my job and Yoongi and Yugyeom works with me and they do the same thing because I am their boss and they listen to me. What happens at work stays at work that's what I always say and I tell all of my workers that and it stays that way because my father didn't let that happen. He brought work home with him, that's all he talks about." Jungkook's says as he was actually telling the truth which is a other reason why Jungkook's doesn't want to tell Jimin about him being in the mafia.

"That's how Jimin's mom is as well. She always brought work with her." Taehyung says, picking his head up to look at Jungkook threw his bangs as Jimin agreed with him as Jungkook looked at Taehyung, nodding his head.

"Exactly! Jimin has heard about what they have to do at their jobs or what happened at work for all his life and I don't want that for him or anyone else I know besides Yoongi because we work together." Jungkook says as him and Taehyung actually made eye contact as Jungkook point to Yoongi as Yoongi nod his head, looking at Taehyung as well.

"I understand now. Your protected like me." Taehyung says and Jungkook nod his head.

"Yes. I don't want to ruin your relationship with Jimin or even Yoongi because me and you don't get along but I want to change that." Jungkook says then stood up and walked over to Taehyung. "Please. Trust me." Jungkook says as he held his hand out and Taehyung looked up at him.

"Taehyung. I trust him. You can trust him too." Yoongi says and Taehyung let out a sign then stood up, looking at Jungkook's hand then looked at Jungkook as Jungkook was already looking at him with his big doe eyes.

"After I left Jin's hyung house and talked with Hoseok about what happened, he yelled at me because I honestly shouldn't have yelled at you about touching Jimin as you are his boyfriend. He told me I should actually try to talk with you about it instead. Shit even my parents did as well. I'm sorry for yelling at you. I wasn't in a good mood at the time and I shouldn't have taken out on you. I'm sorry for all of the dirty looks I have given you and all the time I have flipped you off behind your back. I actually want to try to start a friendship with you if you don't mind." Taehyung says then shook Jungkook's hand and Jungkook got a little smile on his face as their hands moved up and down.

"I certainly do not mind." Jungkook says and Taehyung actually gave him a little box smile as Jimin and Yoongi couldn't help but to smile as well.

"Awesome! Taehyung come here! I need to talk to you about something!" Jimin says then grabbed Taehyungs hand and started pulling him.

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