Chapter 16: Last One

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Young love,

I think that is what they call it,

The first everything,

First sight,

First love,

First one,

But in my story,

He wasn't the first one,

At fifteen and in love,

Not with him, but with the idea of being in love,

Though it felt like he was the only true one.

A form of love, unalike yet enchanting,

The unique desire of wanting

to be the imperfectly perfect one for him,

It was one of the great, yet bitter sayings of love,

Ruining oneself, just to regain an ounce,

of what or how the feeling used to be.

That night when you said,

'Please grow with me'

I only knew to risk it all,

By now, a year has passed,

The risk I took still wasn't enough to fix one's heart.

Love, tell me,

Was it worth it all?

The promise of you seeing me,

"walk down the aisle, swearing to take an oath;

to have and to hold, for better or for worse,

for richer or for poorer,

in sickness and in health,

to love and cherish,

until parted by death."

You said you would make a solemn vow.

Love, we tried our best,

But it seemed no matter how hard we tried,

The love still couldn't be profound

What we once called, 'Home in a heartbeat'

Three years has passed,

I'm left in tears, sank in grief,

Looking back at the yesterday we had,

Reminiscing on a home that could've been;

A family that we could've made.

For my first love, it may have started with you,

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