Chapter 5: Melancholy

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Never have I thought that instead of defying the truth, confronting the root of the issue instead would be an aid to fix a feeble heart such as mine.

 Filled by delight of how

picture perfect everything seemed

Little me wonders until now

If I was loved right, where would I be?

Taking walks with mother,

Phone calls with my father,

I was young and fearless

Now here I am wondering

When did I lose them?

Like the feeling of fullness

after fulfilling one's appetite;

Overwhelmed by affection,

by people who don't see me right

'Why, oh why,' I sigh as the days go by

This isn't what love's supposed to be like, aren't I right?

Love is a strong emotion to describe

A choice and decision people abide

Have I felt it? I don't truly know what that's like.

Look after what I have

for I realize I have none to keep

Deserving you are of my love

Appreciation is what she seeks.

I wish to tell you how loved you are,

As days go by, the love grows wide

'You are everything I wish to safeguard'

caressing your skin, hold you for a while.

I hear the whispers of love within me,

as I picture a full grown tree;

Surrounded with shadows and shades

flowers, blooming steadily,

Love is faint but not enough to satisfy,

Your undecided answer of "what if we were meant to be?"

I feel my ending has come,

woven in this world,

I do not want to live for free.

So I no longer desire to fantasize,

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