Travel Tip #11: Take A Tour

Start from the beginning

     "It's looking much better," she told him, "but I'd still recommend coming in at least once a day to get it cleaned properly, alright?"

     "Yes, ma'am." Chad said, as he was eager to keep his foot.

     As he strolled out of the infirmary, he was greeted by the manager who seemed eager to speak with him.

     "I don't mean to interrupt, Mr. Barrington." The manager started, "Just a moment of your time."

     "Sure, what's up?" Chad asked.

     "I was curious to what was going to happen to your suit?" the manager asked, hoping he wasn't overstepping boundaries.

     "It's a lost cause," Chad informed him, "I hate to toss it but..."

     "If I may," the manager interrupted, "I have a young nephew that has a special occasion coming up."

     "How old is this nephew?" Chad asked.

     "About eight," the manager answered.

     Chad nodded to see where this was going. "You want to use what's left to try to make out a small suit for the little guy, right?"

     "Precisely," the manager replied, "maybe just a vest if possible."

     "That would be fine," Chad said, as he liked the idea of is being used for something else rather than just tossing away. "I'll drop what's left of it off in the morning before breakfast."

     "Thank you, Mr. Barrington." The manger happily said, smiling.

     "Thank you," Chad told him, "These last few days could have been a lot worse without your kind and unwavering support."

     With that Chad went back up to his suite and crashed again for the night, this time in his own bed for a change. For the first time since he got there, he slept through the night without his bladder telling him to hit the can. Perhaps he took too many shots to the kidneys in his tussle with Rachel, to the point where even that part of his body was still trying to recover. His cell phone woke Chad up around seven thirty in the morning, and he was quick to hop out of bed, jump into the shower, and then shave his face to prepare for his big day. Since the only suit he had brought with him was ruined, Chad decided to go a little more casual as he sported jeans, sandals and dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Nothing too fancy but not too simple either. He went down the elevator at exactly eight forty-five and was in the lobby to meet Rachel with more than ten minutes to spare. To his surprise Rachel was already there waiting for him on the same couch in the lobby Chad was sitting in the day he met Frankie Junior. She was also wearing something simple that actually complimented his attire. Rachel was wearing a sundress, with a nice sized hat and sunglasses. Chad assumed that was her way of hiding her face, so she wasn't easily recognized, which was something he also thought of as he was wearing sunglasses and his favorite New York Mets baseball cap.

     She looked at him as he approached, "The Mets? Really?"

     "I like a good underdog," Chad replied, "I also have season tickets."

     "Of course, you do," Rachel said, "Ready for the big day?"

     "Where exactly are we going?" Chad asked, curiosity getting to him.

     "The bus is outside," Rachel informed him, "I got two tickets."

     "A bus tour?" Chad said, cringing at the thought of it.

     "Well, you were bitten in the foot," Rachel reminded him, "I thought you might appreciate something that didn't put any stress on it."

     "Oh, thank you." Chad said, touched she took his bite into consideration.

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