Make It Better // Danny x Josh *SMUT*

Start from the beginning

"Oh shit!" Danny jumped to action, wiping his hands on a towel as he rushed over to Josh, who was so stunned by his mishap that he was just staring at the shockingly grisly wound. "Wait a minute," Danny instructed, disappearing into the kitchen for a moment. When he returned, he was standing over Josh and wrapping his hand in a clean towel.

"Oops," Josh said, then hissed, suddenly conscious of the deep sting from the cut. "Ouch!" What a stupid thing to do, he thought, because not only did he ruin his hand, he ruined the pumpkin.

"Jeez, Josh, this looks bad," Danny said, holding the dish towel around Josh's bleeding hand snugly. "Do you think you need stitches?"

Josh waved that idea away with his uninjured hand. "No, no, I'm sure it's fine. Let me see."

Danny sighed. "Let's go to the bathroom. We need to clean this."

So Josh let his friend take the lead. He sat down on the edge of the tub while Danny grabbed yet another towel, one of the black ones with little ghosts threaded in white that he and Jake had picked out just for this season, and wet it in the sink. Danny dropped to his knees in front of him and carefully unraveled the bloody towel from his hand, winching even more than Josh did as it happened.

"See," Josh began when his wound was revealed–a deep, long slash down the side of his hand, extending from the bottom of his thumb to just above his wrist. "I don't need stitches."

"Okay, maybe not, but this looks bad," Danny said softly. Josh was enamored with how tender he was. Maybe in another life, Danny would have been a doctor. Josh could see that. He sighed again, dabbing with the warm, wet towel. "Do you have any hydrogen peroxide here?"

Josh tensed. "That'll make it hurt more."

"Just for a second. It'll disinfect it," Danny assured him, then took Josh's other hand and pressed it over the towel. "Hold that." He swiveled on his knees to open the cabinet beneath the sink–if nothing else, this allowed Josh a nice view of Danny bent over on his knees, ass in the air while he did his best to rescue Josh from a nasty infection. "Got it," Danny proclaimed, shuffling back with a brown bottle in one hand and a bag of cotton balls in the other. He sat there frowning for a moment before saying, "We need bandages, too. Not the small ones. I gotta wrap it in something."

"Maybe in the drawer?" Josh suggested, realizing he knew very little about the contents of his own bathroom.

"Aha," Danny said victoriously, tossing the roll of gauze at Josh's feet. He sat right in front of him, opening the hydrogen peroxide and wetting a cotton ball with it. When he looked up, Josh's heart fluttered at how genuinely apologetic and hurt Danny looked on his behalf. "Alright, yeah, it's gonna sting. But it's gonna help." He took the wet towel away from Josh's hand and held that bloody hand in his own. "Okay?"

Josh nodded. Danny doing this made it seem less daunting–he didn't consider himself very afraid of anything, but physical pain was something he, like most people, always wanted to avoid. Causing himself further pain wasn't something he was ever inclined to do. But Danny was gentle and reassuring, rubbing Josh's wrist with his thumb as he dabbed the cut with the hydrogen peroxide, and just that small, simple, sweet action diminished some of the angry stinging that came with it. Then, with a dry part of the ghost towel, Danny dabbed some more until Josh's hand felt dry again. Next came the gauze, which he wrapped carefully and skillfully around the wound, leaving Josh patched up as best either of them could do. Well, Josh thought, he actually didn't do anything but sit there.

"Better?" Danny asked, sitting back, resting his hands on Josh's knees.

Josh thought about that question for a moment. Then he lifted his bandaged hand up to Danny's face: "A kiss would make it better." He was confident Danny would do it, and he did, but the way it happened made Josh's breath catch in his lungs. Danny gingerly held his wrist, held it so delicately like he was made of glass, and the press of his lips was just as gentle and soft but so full of intent. It wasn't a quick, silly gag to appease Josh. It was an earnest, lingering, passionate little kiss, and Josh felt faint for a moment.

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