"Oh please tell me you didn't."

"I just told you we didn't."

"We did," Lucas says, wrapping an arm around Samantha. Samantha purses her lips not pulling away, but awkwardly opening her chocolate bar.

"I knew this would happen," Marcus scoffs. "Harlow is dead, Lucas. Her testimony is all we have again."

"This will not affect that."

"You don't know that," Marcus taps the table, "I know! You looked very upset as the scene yesterday. You can just say you got overwhelmed by Harlow's death. It didn't mean anything."

Samantha tenses up at the possibility he is right.

"I won't say that, because it's not true," Lucas says squeezing her arm.

"Maybe not, but what are you going to say should they find out. Huh? That her pregnancy hormones were too much to resist?"

"I can go," Samantha tries to leave wincing.

"No," Lucas says sternly, his jaw twitches a flash of anger appearing in his eyes. "The hell is wrong with you man? You may be my best friend, but I am still your boss. I think I deserve a little respect. Samantha deserves respect."

Marcus ears turn red, "Sorry, your right that was uncalled for. I'm sorry if I offended you Samantha."

"It's okay," she mumbles.

"Marcus I understand why you are worried, but I have given this a lot of thought and it will not affect her testimony in any way."

"What if it does?"

"I won't."

"But what if it nothing is found. What are you going to do if they will have to take-"

"Shut the hell up," Lucas holds up a hand, "I am not discussing this any further."

"Fine," Marcus says, "Fine. You two are grown adults. You know what consequences of your actions can lead to. I'll put my trust on you Flynn."

"Thank you."

"I'm taking these with me," Marcus grabs the plate with caramels on it, "as payment for my silence."

"It's your weight in danger," Samantha teases.

"Whatever!" he calls slamming the front door.

Samantha sets down her chocolate bar on the table, "I'm so sorry Lucas. I didn't mean to have him find out. I only-" Lucas cuts her off with a quick kiss.

"I've been waiting to do that all day," he grins, "and he knows me too well, he would have found out eventually."

"How was your day?"

"Stressful. It's better now," he glances past her in the kitchen. "It's spotless, so I take you didn't take it easy."

"I did, Vaughn helped, or at least he tried to. He almost put in salt instead of sugar."

"I wouldn't trust him to be in the kitchen."

"It was definitely his last time helping me."

"Smart," he agrees.

Samantha goes to the microwave and takes out a plate full of caramels. "He forgot I made more." She goes to hand him one, but his expression stops her. His eyebrows are pulled together and he seems on the verge of saying something, but is hesitant.

"What?" she asks.

"I have to ask you something, but you might get mad at me," he ruffles his hair, "I don't want you to get mad at me." Samantha immediately thinks the worst.

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