The Rejects Volume 5: Divergence (FULL)

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Taylor: Ok guys, in a hour we will be back in Minnesota so sit tight and enjoy the ride.
Frank: K Taylor.
Jess: Can't wait to get home.
Jayden: Why? Because of our home or because of the fact tgat we will be getting married?
Jess: Home.
Jayden then pretends to look hurt.
Jayden: Ow. You've killed me Jess.
Jess: No Jay I was kidding please don't die.
While all this shenanigans is going on, Mike just looks out the window.
Frank: Hey Mike you ok?
Mike: Peachy.
Frank: You sure?
Mike: Frank, I am fine. I just want some peace and quiet until we get home.
Frank: Sorry man.
Mike: *sighs* No Frank, it's my fault I shouldn't be mad at you. I'm just tired, that's all.
Frank: Well good night then.
Mike: Good night.
Mike closes his eyes and falls to sleep.

(in blackness)

Mike feels himself walking but can't control himself. He realizes that his eyes are closes so when he opens his eyes he sees Erin's door to her apartment.
Mike: Why am I here?
Is what Mike would've said if he could talk. Mike opens the door and yells out-
Mike: Erin? I got your text what's wrong?
Mike is getting weirded out because he is not controlling himself. Then Mike walks into the kitchen.
Mike: Erin?
Mike then walks into her bedroom and sees a sight he never wants to see.
Mike: Eri- no. No No No NO NO NO NO NO!!!!
In front of Mike is Erin all bruised and stabbed to death. Mike falls to his knees crying, holding her dead body in his arms.
Mike: Who did this to you? Who would kill you?
???: I would.
Mike turns around to see Slayer standing behind him holding a white katana. Mike screams and charges at Slayer but then feels the katana in his chest.
Slayer: Game over Michael. You've lost.
Mike falls to the ground and then sees the Gallance standing over the dead bodies of his friends. Mike starts crying. And then he wakes up.

(real world)

Frank: Mike get up!
Mike jumps from his seat, looking scared.
Frank: You ok?
Mike: Peachy Frank. Just peachy.

Frank: AAAAAHHHH home at last, right Mike?
Mike: Yeah, it's good to be back.
The 5 heroes step off the jet and start walking towards the van.
Jess: Think Minnesota missed us?
Jayden: Nah, they had Nelson and Tyler to help protect them.
Jess: True.
Everyone enters the van and Taylor starts up the van.
Taylor: Well it's time to return home.
Mike: Home huh... Yeah.

(at the Rejects headquarters)

Mike opens the door and turns on the lights.
Frank: It's like we never left.
Jess: But we did.
Jayden: I hope the guys didn't eat anything.
Jayden then runs into the kitchen and Jess then follows.
Frank: Well if you don't mind, I will be in the training room.
Frank heads towards the training room and Taylor walks into a seperate room. Mike walks towards the computer and grabs a picture of the original six Rejects. Mike looks at Toby in tge pic and he sets it down next to him.
Mike: I don't know what to do Toby. I feel like I've done all I can in this superhero business. I don't know if I should quit or just run off into the sunset with Erin. I know you're wondering why I am even considering this is because That's what happends when you died and came back to life again. I don't know anymore Toby, I just want to stop being Immortal and live a normal life.
???: You could.
Mike turns around to see Taylor.
Mike: Hey Taylor.
Taylor: What did you see when you "died"?
Mike: My grandpa and uncle... And Toby.
Taylor: You saw Toby?
Mike: He told me that I am needed to lead you guys to defeat the rising evil ahead but I don't know if I can keep this up, the constant attack from people that want to kill us and attack the city, I just can't do this.
Taylor grabbed Mike's shoulder.
Taylor: I guess that would happend when you lead a group of heroes against psychopaths and common crooks.
Mike: I don't know what to do. I think I should-
Then all of a sudden a beeping sound appears.
Taylor: What's that noise?
Mike: Taylor get everyone out of here NOW!
Taylor runs and grabs everyone out of the building.
Jayden: What's going on?
Jess: And where's-
Then an explosion appears and destroys the headquarters of the Rejects.
Jess: MIKE??!!

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