[VOL 4] The Mad Hatter

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Mike: Well... I can't believe that we're gonna be patrolling Italy.
Olivia: I can't believe we are in Italy.
Frank: I have to say, Italy is really beautiful.
Jayden: Yeah but... Why is Jess back at the plane and why is Aiden with her?
Mike,Jayden,Frank,Olivia, and Taylor are standing on top of a building looking over the small town they're currently staying in.
Mike: She's been a bit more hyper then usual so I wanted her to stay back. And as for Aiden, well I needed someone to watch her.
Jayden: Why not me?
Olivia: Because you would cause her to get super emotional and with her powers we don't want that.
Jayden: When did she became second in command?
Mike: She's not. Right now she is being a pain in my-
The five turn around to see a man wearing a green suit and a green top hat. He has a watch in his hand.
Mike: Who the hell are you?
Mad Hatter: I'm the Mad Hatter, at your service.
He took a bow when he said that.
Taylor: What do you want?
Mad Hatter: Why... Isn't that obvious?
He clicked his watch and suddenly an explosion happend behind the Rejects.
Mad Hatter: I'm here to see if you're actually worth fighting.
Mad Hatter: Well yeah, I'm mad.
Mike: Guys... GET HIM!
Frank jumped and was about to swing his axe into the Hatter when suddenly Frank stopped in mid air. Hatter took two steps to the left and then Frank returned to the laws of gravity.
Frank: What the hell?
Frank then got kicked in the face. Frank stumbled backwards. When he regained control he saw the Hatter swing his own axe at him. It hit him right in the shoulder. Frank fell to the ground and the Hatter kicked him in the face and Frank fell on to the ground.
Mad Hatter: Is that your strongest? Cause that was madness.
Then the Hatter started to laugh.

(Somewhere in Venice)

Paper girl stood behind Neon Lights.
Neon Lights: Are the Rejects here in Italy?
Paper Girl: Check for yourself.
Paper girl turned on a monitor to show the fight between Frank and the Mad Hatter.
Neon Lights: This is too good. And isn't that the sttange man who wanted to join us?
Paper Girl: I believe so.
Neon Lights: Hmmmm. PERIL!!!
A man wearing all black and red steps out of the shadows, his face still hidden.
Neon Lights: I want you to go out and find the Rejects, BUT DON'T FIGHT THEM! Just save the Hatter when he fails.
Peril: Yes mistress.
Peril disappears into the shadows again.
Paper Girl: Do you think he'll accept our offer?
Neon Lights: He will. He wouldn't turn down the offer of a member of the Mad Hatter Society.

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