The Rejects Volume 1: A Beginning (FULL)

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Jayden: Hey Mike, come on, join the party.
Mike: I'm good Jay, have fun with Jess.
I watch as my best friend dances with the girl he's been dating since 10th grade. I still can't believe that we are in 12th grade, ready for college. I see my other best friend Toby talking with a bunch of girls. Always the ladies man. I then see my best friend Nelson with his girl Crystal. And here I am, just standing alone like a emo person. As I was about to head off, Jayden comes back my way.
Mike: Hey, aren't you going to dance with Jess a lil more?
Jayden: Look, just because I'm having fun, doesn't mean you can't.
Mike: Doesn't mean my best friend has to ditch my other best friend.
Jayden: Was kinda hoping you would have at least one dance.
Mike: One?
Jayden: Only one.
Mike: Oh come on why not two?
Jayden: Really?
Mike: Heh no, just messing with you. Nah I'm good.
Just then I see someone go into a staff only area, and Jayden saw the person too.
Mike: Was that Tyler?
Jayden: I believe so.
Mike: We should follow him.
Jayden: Definitely.
We walked through the staff only doors and found our friend planting a device.
Mike: Tyler what the fuck are you doing?
Tyler turns around and we see that his eyes are pure white.
Tyler: Making this world better for a god.
Jayden: *mutters* That isn't at all creepy.
Mike: Alright Tyler, let's just talk about this... "God".
Tyler: You won't understand... Yet.
Jayden: Yet? What do you mean yet?
Tyler moves his pointer finger up, and all of a sudden concrete looking material comes out of the ground and pushes Jayden against the wall, knocking down knives. Two knives went into Jayden's hands.
Tyler: It isn't my choice of who lives and who dies.
Tyler: Will you disobey god?
Mike: I'll disobey your god.
Tyler: Ashame.
Then a concrete spike went through my chest, and that was the first time I died.

(I forgot to describe the main six characters so lets. Mike: tall, messy brown hair, blue eyes. Jayden: tall, nice brown hair, blueish green eyes, and has glasses. Jess: small, asian, long black hair. Toby: tall, short short black hair, brown eyes, glasses. Nelson: el salvadoran, hair is short on sides and decent height on top, medium height. Crystal: medium height, long dirty blonde hair, green eyes. And now onto the story.)

Tyler: He would disobey god. Now, no more distractions, I must now finish my mission.
Jayden: That is?
Tyler: To make you all like me.
Jayden: Psychotic?
Tyler: No, gifted.
Tyler then pressed a button that activated the machine, then everything went white.

(few minutes later)

Jayden woke up, feeling like someone hit him in the head. He looked at his hands to see the knives gone. He then looked at me on the ground with a massive hole in my chest. He ran up to me, trying to see if I somehow survived. When he couldn't find any proof, he sat there crying.
Jayden: *sobbing*
I start to open my eyes to see my friend with tears in his eyes.
Mike: Hey Jayden, quit the waterworks.
I got to my feet and looked at my chest to find a giant hole in my shirt.
Mike: What the hell happend?
Jayden: Dude you got stabbed through the chest by a concrete spike.
Mike: ... You're serious?
Jayden: Yes.
Mike: Holy-
???: FREEZE!
We turn around to see men in a kinda swat uniforms pointing guns at us.
Jayden: Are you talking to us?
Mike: Look, we're just students ok? And we don't want any-
Then I got shot in the shoulder.
Jayden: MIKE?
I took a step back, grabbed my shoulder, looked up at the man who shot me, and smiled.
Mike: Wow, that was pretty-
I pull out the bullet from my shoulder and the wound began to heal.
Mike: -stupid of you.
They all look at me like I was some kind of freak. Then one soldier decided to shoot Jayden.
Then Jayden jumped into the air and blades came out of his hands. One blade on both hands. All the soldiers looked scared, like they knew they done fucked up.
Mike: Say Jayden?
Jayden: Yeah, Mike?
Mike: Lets show them what happends when you piss us off.
Jayden: Agreed.
The soldiers start running away. We look at each other and laughed.
Mike: We better find our friends.
Jayden: Agreed.
So we ran to go find our friends.

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