
105 4 0

trigger warnings.
Blood, violence, graphic
rated r, mature content.
sexual scenes, smut.

red oozed out quickly, staining calliopes unbuttoned shirt with ease, her eyes full of anger and resentment. This time she picked someone who looked similar to her mother and apparently acted like her.

"Last question, what door am I at?"
"I.. I don't know."

After those last few words something was thrown into the glass of the front window, the woman screamed loudly in fear as she stumbled backwards, quickly trying to run up the stairs.

grunting, the masked figure ran up the stairs after her, quickly dodging the pieces of glass that were splattered everywhere. reaching up, the mask assailant reached out and grabbed the woman's ankle, yanking her down the stairs harshly until the woman was pinned under the attacker, a piercing scream rang through the house as the masked attacker reached out with their other hand, a shiny blade with a black handle in their hand, suddenly thrusting it into the woman's chest and stomach, over and over and over again. blood splattering all over the white ghostface mask and black outfit.

with a few more angry hits, the attacker slipped the blade out of the now very dead woman's chest and grabbed her by her ankles, pulling her out of the house and into the yard, where another masked person waited with a rope.

after getting some help with the body, the two in the white masks raised the body up and slipped a rope around her neck, then dropping the body and letting it hang tightly.

"God you're so hot." One of the masked attackers said, quickly ripping his mask off his face and throwing it to the ground, revealing Billy Loomis.

Pulling the other mask off, calliope dropped the bloody mask to the ground with a small smile, her hair sticking to her face along with blood along her chin and neck from all the blood splattering. "You think so?" She asked, stepping closer to Billy with the knife still in her hand and dripping with bright red blood.

"I know so." Billy reached out and grabbed calliope by her hips, quickly yanking her into his body so they were pressed together tightly, their lips inches away from each other. "you look so sexy with blood all over you too.." his raspy voice and the crazy look in his eyes did nothing but turn calliope on. biting her lip softly, she dropped the knife at their feet and looped her finger into his shirt, pulling Billy in closer. "Why don't you kiss me then."

Billy's heart raced as he leaned in, his hand cupping Calliope's delicate face. In that electrifying moment, their eyes locked, their breaths in sync. Time seemed to stand still as Billy's lips met hers, a soft and passionate connection that sent shivers down their spines. It was a kiss filled with passion and desire, a testament to the unspoken connection they shared.

In that embrace, the world faded away, leaving only the intense chemistry between them, igniting a flame that would be hard to burn out.

Calliope laced her fingers in Billy's hair, tugging gently which pulled a groan from his soft lips and his right hand tightening on her hip, pulling her in even closer. "Let's... let's get out of here." Calliope whispered as she broke the heated and intense kiss they shared. Breathless, Billy only nodded and grabbed her hand tightly, quickly pulling her away from the bloody scene they created together.

together, as a couple. murdering people. god could Billy's life get any better than this?


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