❝ secrets ❞

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The next morning.
11:21 am.


Morning came swiftly as the sun began to shine in the baby blue room that belonged to Calliope Prescott. Birds could be heard chirping softly out the window that was slightly open, exposing a little bit of a breeze that would flow through the room.

Grumbling softly, Calliope would toss and turn occasionally in her bed; slowly pulling the covers up to her chin, eyes furrowing almost like she was having a bad dream.

a soft groan escaped her soft pink lips as she turned onto her back, eyes slowly opening to see the bright room. The sun was shining bright this morning. Calliope's head was pounding almost like a loud drum they use for school pep rally's.

At first she wasn't even considering waking up, her head hurt way too bad and for a split moment she forgot why.

Oh that's right, she drank. Yesterday was her 17th birthday. She couldn't remember when she started drinking but she did remember there was alcohol involved.

Trying to pace herself, Calliope fully opened her eyes and began to sit up. Looking down she realized she wasn't in her outfit from last night, but instead sweatpants and an over sized shirt. "What the hell." She mumbled with a rather confused expression. How did she get changed?

Better yet.
Who changed her? 

Before she could fully think out what could have happened, 4 loud knocks could be heard on her door. "Callie!! Callie open up!!" Sidney screamed, her voice was so loud it echoed in Calliopes room;  causing her to wince in pain due to her hangover.

Jeez what could be so important that she has to fucking scream.

Calliope thought to herself as she got up off her bed and made her way to her bedroom door, twisting the door knob and opening the door revealing a crying Sidney who engulfed her into a huge hug, holding onto her so tight she thought she might pop

Calliope hugged her sister back as equally tight, trying to comfort her in any way that she could. "Sidney what's wrong what happened??"

"Casey was murdered last night, they found her cut up and b-bleeding out in the woods.." Sidney cried, not letting go of the shorter one.

Calliopes eyes widened, Casey was murdered and she just seen her last night... and her.. birthday.

"Who did it do they know?" She urged at Sidney, her mind was quickly not thinking about how much alcohol she drank but instead the last time she seen Casey was when they were on the couch... drinking,

"No but they're investigating... I'm starting to think woodsboro is really not safe anymore." Sidney whispered as her voice began to crack, she was already tired of crying. First their mother and now one of their best friends.

"Yeah..." calliope said slowly with a harsh swallow. "Me too.."


Calliopes party
After making out with Billy.


After Billy changed Calliope into more comfortable clothes as discretely as he could, he made his way out of the room quietly and followed Stu to an empty room. "How do we do this Billy? Everyone's here do you really think we can get away with this?" Stu didn't really have a motive for killing anyone, but he wanted to help his best friend in any way that he could, Billy would do the same for him: well at least that's what he hoped.

"Simple. You lure her out of the house, tell her you want to get back together, then when she's alone.. I'll come out and take care of the problem." Billy said lowly as he pulled out a sharp knife from his pocket. "We have to do this quick and be smart, we can't leave anything to chance. Do you understand?"

"I understand.." Stu replied.

Heading downstairs, Stu quickly made his way to Casey who was still kind of drunk. "Hey can I speak to you alone?" He asked in a whisper while looking at Tatum out of the corner of his eye, making sure she was still sleeping soundly on the leather couch. "Yeah sure." Casey got up quietly and then followed Stu outside, it was dark out but she wasn't worried.

She trusted Stu.

"Why did you lead me out here what's up?" She asked, moving her pretty blonde hair out of her eyes to look at the taller male.

"I..." Stu began to look around for any sign of Billy, not finding one he continued anyways. "Honestly, I was hoping we could.. get back together." He trailed off, quickly grabbing Casey's hands in his.

a smile began to form on her face as she pulled Stu into a quick, tight hug. "Oh Stu. I would love to! I've been waiting for you to as-" her words were cut off rather quickly, gasping loudly she stumbled backwards — looking Stu in the eye, tears filled her eyes. "I.." she began to mutter but was quickly choking on her own blood.

Looking down Casey realized what was happening, a sharp knife was just pushed through her abdomen, then removed, then inserted once again.

Without another word, Casey fell to the floor. Stu looked down at her body then back up, seeing Billy In a black mask that looked like a stretched face that was stuck screaming with the bloody knife in his hand. "Now what?" Stu asked; a nervous grin spreading on his face.

"Now.. we get rid of her. Help me pick her up, c'mon." Billy spoke, a cocky grin spreading ear to ear as the two lifted her dead and bloody body, moving it somewhere away from the house and everyone else around.

This was only phase one of the plan, now the rest would hopefully fall in place.

As long as Calliope doesn't tell Sidney what happened before he broke up with her.

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