❝ Stu's obsession ❞

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I've had my eyes on you since the moment I met you Sidney Prescott, you just wanted Billy first


Stu Macher was head over heels for Sidney Prescott ever since they became friends.

Too bad her first choice was Billy Loomis.


Since the beginning of Stu and Sidney's friendship, the tall male had his eyes locked on her but always stayed in the friend zone. He could never understand why, he was funny, sweet, sarcastic and had the mentality to treat Sidney the best she's ever been treated.

But no she just had to go and choose Billy, his best friend which led to him dating Casey and Tatum to try and make it less obvious he wanted her. He didn't want to ruin his best friends happiness but he was extremely jealous. But he knew one thing no one else did except Billy and that was that Billy Loomis had a secret attraction to Calliope the entire time he was dating Sidney.

So, theoretically he just had to get Billy and Sidney to break up so the two could have who they really wanted, however that became increasingly difficult since Billy became murderous and wanted to kill Sidney. Stu was down to kill, even enjoyed it. But he didn't want it to be Sidney, so he had to do something.. he couldn't let her die! Besides, Calliope would never date Billy if she knew which by definition Sidney would never date Stu.

♡ ♡ ♡
The night Billy disappeared.

Stu had to do something. Tensions were rising between Sidney and Billy the more he noticed his best friend getting impatient not having Callie on his hip, it was causing him to lose his temper with Sidney and Stu couldn't have that, not just yet. Not before he got Sidney to be his, what was he supposed to do? Let Billy murder her?

Usually he wasn't the type to interfere with Billy's ideas or plans but this time he just had to, no matter how mad Billy got, he was doing this for them both; surely he'd see that eventually. He wasn't dumb, Billy wouldn't stand a chance with Callie if Sidney died and she found out and he tried to express that to Billy several times, but lately Billy's anger issues were keeping him from listening to Stu's advice.

After talking to Sidney briefly and hearing Billy storm out of the house as the two broke up and Calliope told Billy the couldn't date, Stu had to act fast. The taller male pulled Sidney into a big hug, sighing as she cozied into his arms. "I don't know what to do, Stu." Sidney sniffed, her eyes still blood shot from crying. "I want Callie happy if Billy makes her that then they should be together and now Billy's angry." She continued.

With furrowed brows Stu frowned and only hugged the female fighter. "Don't worry Sid, I'll take care of it." He reassures her with soft words, placing a kiss to her forehead before pulling away. "Do you want me to come stay the night with you?"

Sidney nodded and pulled back to look at her dear friend, they've always been close and he loved how he was so nurturing to her right now it made this whole thing alot easier. "Please" she begged. As if Stu would pass that up.

a grin tugged at his lips as he grabbed her chin softly, placing a soft kiss to the tip of her nose. "Sure thing beautiful. I just gotta go change and I'll be back."

Sidney pushed a soft smile and watched as Stu left her room, he was eager to get back and spend time with her but first he had to find Billy, he couldn't let him kill her; even if it meant ruining their friendship.

♡ ♡ ♡

Finally catching up to Billy which seemed like forever, he grabbed the male by his arm which resulted in Stu getting shoved

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Finally catching up to Billy which seemed like forever, he grabbed the male by his arm which resulted in Stu getting shoved. "Get off of me!" Billy growled. "I'm not in the fucking mood Stu and I mean that!"

The taller male raised his hands up in defense showing that he meant no harm. "Relax!" Stu replied with a soft expression. "I was coming to check on you what happened between you and calliope?"

Billy merely huffed and tried to keep walking but Stu was dumb enough to keep walking after him. "Billy please I'm just trying to be your friend and be here for you! Just fucking let me."

"WHY?" Billy yelled as he turned around on his heels, anger showing in his eyes. "Why do you possibly want to help me? Huh? I'm a lost fucking cause, everyone thinks so! Callie doesn't want me, she said me and her couldn't go there Stu.. you know why? because of fucking Sidney Prescott." Billy snarled, fighting back tears as he turned his back to his best friend.

The taller brown haired boy knew his best friend was hurt, whether he admitted that he was hurt was a different story but Stu knew. Now wasn't the time to sway him from killing Sidney but instead maybe he could buy her some time. "Billy..." Stu trailed off, daring to take a step towards the other male. "Why don't you get away for a bit? Take a breather away from here? Why don't you and your dad go out of town? I won't say anything to either of them, I'll sweet talk calliope into changing her mind and when you come back.. things will be different."

"That wouldn't work, Stu. She's not going to change her mind" the other protested, being stubborn against Stu's passive plan to get him to leave town for a bit.

Sighing, Stu turned Billy to face him their eyes locking as he put both hands on the males shoulders. "Billy fucking Loomis. Go clear your head away from woodsboro and when you get back, Calliope will fall in your lap."

The idea to Billy sounded tempting, he could get away and clear his head.. get away from the murders he committed and clear his not so innocent name, then come back and get the girl he loves, didn't sound too bad..

"When should I come back..." Billy asked hesitantly as he looked at his best friend, his hurt expression still plastered all over his face.

"I'll call you when the plan is complete. How's that?"

"Fine.. but if you fail, I'm not coming back." Billy stated, his voice stern and in that moment Stu knew; he was serious.


Back to present time, after school let out & calliope asked about Billy.




"It's time to come home." Stu said with a smirk as he held his phone up to his ear. "Plan worked perfectly."

"On my way back Stewie boy" the deep voice said on the other end of the phone before a beep could be heard, showing that he hung up.

Stu was getting his best friend back. He had everything he wanted, he got the girl, his best friend was coming home, now all he had to do was keep Sidney safe and make sure calliope ended up in Billy's arms.

All would be right with the world.

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