''For rich people, you don't have great security.'' I said.

''Is that now?'' He smiled.

''Yeah, or you're just stupid enough to leave the side door open.'' I joked. 

''Guess I wasn't sober either last night, even when leaving the house. Must have forgot.'' He shrugged. ''Don't worry, I'll definitely be more careful next time.'' He said sarcastically.

''Yeah you better.'' I said. ''Again. I'm really sorry for breaking in though in all seriousness.''

''And in all seriousness I think you need to repay me.'' He said.

''And how will I do that?'' I asked.

''How about your number?'' He asked me.

''Real smooth.'' I nodded with a laugh.

''So, how about it?'' He asked with a smile. 

''I might be talking to someone else right now...'' I started.

''But are you going out with them?'' He asked.

''No.'' I said.

''Well, here it is just in case.'' He quickly jotted down his number on a small strip of paper from the coffee table in front of the sofa and gave it to me.

''I'll keep it safe.'' I smiled at him.

Then Cook came downstairs with just his boxers on. At least he had one piece of clothing on as he must have left them upstairs. The rest of his clothes was on the side of the kitchen floor and that's probably why it went unnoticed by Daniel.

''Looks like you had fun last night.'' Daniel said.

''Who's this?'' Cook asked me about Daniel.

''I mean, I think I have the right to ask you first since you're in my house mate.'' Daniel said.

''Cook. Mate.'' Cook said.

''Daniel.'' Daniel said bluntly. ''You two should probably go now.''

''Yeah, alright, of course. Thanks so much, really.'' I said. ''Cook hurry up and put your clothes on.''

''Yeah just hold on princess alright?'' Cook said as he zipped up his trousers and put his shirt on.

I then grabbed him by the arm saying my last thanks to Daniel as I got him out of the house.

''Who the fuck was that?'' Cook asked.

''Daniel. The guy who lives here.'' I said.

''What? All that for himself?'' Cook gestured to the house. ''He's like our age.''

''No, his parents are away right now but yeah it is a really nice house.'' I said and there was a pause. ''We need to talk Cook.''

''About what?'' He shrugged.

''You're joking.'' I scoffed.

''You mean last night?'' He asked.

''Yes, what else would I mean?'' I said.

''Yeah, we better keep it quiet to Freds.'' He said.

''Do we have to?'' I said.

''What do you think? He's gonna cut my fucking bollocks off if he finds out I slept with another one of his sisters. Especially if it's you.'' He said.

I can't believe I was so naïve. We wouldn't be a thing after this. We would be nothing. Cook didn't like me properly like that. Maybe I was alright to sleep with and he likes me as a friend but that was it. Why did I actually think he might feel the same way and that we would get together? I was just another one of the many girls he'd slept with. I feel so utterly stupid.

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